2018 Goals
Sunday, December 31, 2017
Goodbye 2017. Hello 2018.
While 2017 was a fairly good year (my husband and I bought our first home together and moved), there was so much that I didn't do that I really wanted to.
Best of Peaches & Willow 2017
Friday, December 29, 2017
As the end of the year approaches my mind is in full on planning and goal setting for the year ahead mode. I'm taking part in two goal setting challenges and planning away in my two, yes! two planners; more on that in another post. One of my big goals this year is to really focus on analytics in order to make my blog and social media platforms grow organically so I thought a fun way for me to look back on Peaches and Willow this year is with a post all about the Best of 2017.
I want to highlight the posts that did best, as far as page views and interactions go so i'm going to share the post for each month with the highest page views. I had no idea how looking back at those numbers would invigorate me and light my soul on fire. Now i'm ready to chase 2018 with such passion and make my page views and interactions even higher than they were this year. I hope that this inspires you to look back at your year and sparks the same passion and drive in you as it has me.
Christmas Shop Small {DoTerra}
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Hi Friends. I think today is the last of my Shop Small features. It's been so fun highlighting these wonderful ladies and their small businesses and getting to know more about them. It's amazing to me how small businesses are easily over looked but they truly are the backbone of our economy and communities. I am obsessed with small businesses and have a passion for helping them grow, in case you couldn't already tell.
I saved one of my favorite small businesses for last because it's something that i'm passionate about and as we're in the midst of the holiday season, it's something we really should be focused more on because, after all, essential oils are far more useful than we may think. Essentials oils are very beneficial to our health so get cozy with me while we talk to my friend, Melanie all about DoTerra.
Christmas Shop Small {Dot Dot Smile}
Thursday, December 14, 2017
Hi Friends! Can you believe Christmas is only two weeks away? If you are anything like me then you're rushing to get everything done last minute. If you've got cute little girls to dress for all the holiday parties coming up then you're going to love today's shop small feature because it's my personal friend from high school, Karen and her friend, Brittney. They both have adorable little girls who love to get dolled up in these twirly dresses. So grab a cup of coffee and get ready to dance and twirl your way into the most beautiful, twirly, girly dresses for your mini me's.
Blogger Techie Gifts
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Hi Loves! Happy December. Can you believe that Christmas is only a few weeks away? Cue all the happy squeals because I am in full Christmas mode and loving every second of it. The blogger world is all a buzz with gift guides that I am enjoying to the fullest but there aren't many guides for the bloggers and techies out there so I thought it would be fun to create a gift guide for all of us. This one was really hard to narrow down to a few things because there's always so much bloggers need to write and create but here are a few things that would make my blog lovin' heart happy. There was one other thing that I would add to this list and it would be a chatbook of all my Instagram pics from the year. Check out chatbooks.com to see all the fun, customizable book of memories from the year.
I hope all my lovely blogging tribe finds something on this guide to snag for yourselves.
Christmas Shop Small {Monat}
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Hi Friends! The countdown to Christmas is officially on and if you are anything like me you are still pondering what to buy some people. That's why I'm running this Christmas Shop Small feature every week. When you support a small business you're supporting a family and what better way to shop this Christmas?
Today i'm featuring a sweet lady that I've met through blogging. She's a wife, a mom, a blogger, and she sells Monat. So get cozy and read all about what inspired her to become a sales lady for Monat.
Cozy Gift Guide
Monday, December 4, 2017
Hi Friends! Are y'all in full on Christmas mode yet? I surely am and loving every minute of it. I wish I could write gift guides all the time because they are the most fun to do. I hope you're enjoying them just as much as I am. Today's gift guide is all about all the cozy things. After Christmas, it seems like winter drags on and all I want to do is hibernate so here are some of my favorite things to do just that with because what's winter without pretty, comfy things? So get cozy and check out what's on my Cozy Gift Guide.
I hope a few of these fabulous things find their way to your list, too.
Ladies Stocking Stuffers
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Hi Friends! Can you believe it's finally Christmas time? I am in heaven with all my Christmas decor up, my tree glowing bright and all the Christmas Hallmark movies on my t.v. This is my absolute favorite time of year because of all the celebrating and holiday fun. Know what else I love? Christmas gift guides. I know every single blogger is writing them right now but I don't mind. They're actually my favorite posts of all time because I love seeing what everyone else wants, I usually end up adding a few things from other's wish lists to mine.
My family always starts Christmas morning with stockings so I thought i'd start my holiday guides with stocking stuffer ideas so get ready for all the pretty, sparkly, beauty, make up, cozy goodness your heart can hold. I hope you find something on this list that makes it's way to your list, too.
Christmas Shop Small {LuLa Roe}
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Hi Friends! Welcome back to another Christmas Shop Small Feature. I love shopping small and I absolutely love Christmas so, for the second year in a row, i've decided to combine my love of the two and highlight one of my fabulous small business owner friends. Today we have my sweet LulaRoe Rep and friend, Kim here to share what inspired her to sell LuLaRoe and what their most popular item is. So get cozy and let's Lula!
Coffee Chat
Monday, November 27, 2017
Happy Monday Dolls. I'm so happy you're here with me this morning. I know Mondays aren't our favorite days; today is particularly hard for me because it's the first day back to school and reality after a long Thanksgiving break. I've enjoyed sleeping in and long mornings on the couch drinking coffee and watching Christmas Hallmark movies and three long days of cooking and cleaning, preparing to host our first holiday in our new home. I'm not quiet ready to give that up yet but it makes it a little easier to bear with friends so grab a cup of coffee and get cozy with me and let's chat.
*Bonus if you are in pajamas or sweats with your hair in a messy bun because that's what I want this space to feel like; cozy dates with girlfriends in sweats and messy buns while we spill open the inner most parts of our hearts.*
So grab a mug and join me for a coffee date.
Christmas Shop Small {Senegence}
Monday, November 20, 2017
Hi Peachies! Happy Thanksgiving Eve, Eve. Yep! Thanksgiving is two days away and this girl is in the kitchen cooking up all the delicious Thanksgiving dishes right now; sweet potato souffle, sauteed green beans, collards, corn casserole and pecan pie. While i'm in the kitchen cooking, I thought I would share with you another Christmas Shop Small Feature. Today we have my sweet Senegence distributor and friend, Lindsey to share some of her favorite Senegence products with you because staying beautiful during the rush of the holidays is on top of every girl's to do list. So let's get cozy with our first guest (she even gives you a discount code somewhere in this post so be on the look out for that.)
Christmas Shop Small {Perfectly Posh}
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
The holidays are upon us and if you're anything like me, you're starting your shopping but stumped when it comes to buying for some people, that's why i've created this series for the holiday season called Shop Small. Every week from here until Christmas, i'll be featuring a small shop/business owner in a q&a series. They're going to hook you up with some great discounts, too so get cozy and let's welcome our first guest.
Body products,
Shop Small
Perfection is Boring
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Imperfection; that's a scary word. Am I right or am I right? It's scary because it means allowing ourselves to be vulnerable. It's letting friends and loved ones see you without your cutest outfit on with your hair and make up done just right. It's opening the doors of our homes to our friends and family and welcoming them in amidst the mess and chaos instead of a perfectly clean and decorated; Southern Living esq. home.
It's not an easy thing to show our vulnerability and embrace our imperfections but the thing is, it's something we're all struggling with. It's completely normal and when we learn to embrace it rather than try to change it our entire world will be changed. It will be a better place once we all learn to accept that Tuesday night pizza nights, sitting around with our friends and family in sweats are way better than perfectly organized and well prepared dinner parties.
November Goals
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Hello November. Don't tell October but I love you most of all. October brought the cooler fall weather and fun craft fairs but you bring the holidays and there's nothing better than that. I love the holly jolly, togetherness of this time of year. Of course, I'm not about decorating for Christmas until Thanksgiving weekend but that's because Thanksgiving brings the holiday feel and that's something worth celebrating.Plus I love getting to cook the entire holiday meal with my hubby. This year will be an extra special Thanksgiving because its the first year we'll get to host it at our new house. I did learn the other morning that Christmas trees will be delivered to the Farmer's Table in a couple weeks! That means I get to swoon at them and smell all their fresh pine-y goodness every time I shop there from now until time to buy ours.
With the new month comes fresh starts and new goals so let's see how I did with October's goals and set November's.
My Blogging Why
Thursday, November 2, 2017
If you've been around Peaches and Willow lately then you likely know i've been on a path to change this sweet little space of mine. I want to make it more personal and more relatable. I feel like i'm a pretty open book but sometimes being vulnerable is scary and when it gets scary, I get quiet. It's not that i'm hiding from said scary thing but sometimes I have the need to check out and just "be"; just live life without finding the perfect Instagram picture or thinking whether or not it'll make for good blogging content.
Peaches & Willow Refresh
Comfy and Casual Fall Style
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
The Happy Planner Vol. 3
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Happy Monday, y'all. I hope you are bundled up nice and cozy with your favorite mug of something warm this morning. It's only in the 40's here in Georgia this morning so you can bet that i'm snuggled up with my favorite fuzzy blanket, leggings and warm socks on. I'm really wanting to binge watch something on Netflix today or just read but before I do I want to show you my planner layout and highlight the Etsy shops I used for this week's spreads. I'll add in this week's goals, too, just to keep myself accountable.
Life Lately
Monday, October 23, 2017
Hey Friends! It's been a while since i've done a life lately post, it's also been a while since i've done a coffee chat post so I thought i'd roll both into one today so get cozy in your favorite leggings, throw your hair up in a messy bun and grab your favorite mug filled with coffee and let's chat.
Southern Belle Summer into Fall Style
Thursday, October 19, 2017
It's finally feeling like fall here and i'm loving it! I've got windows open, pumpkin pecan waffle candles lit and the best part? I've brought out all my favorite leggings, boots and cardigans. There are still days in Georgia where the temps are in the 80's though so i've been looking for transitional pieces and pieces that are easy to layer. That's why ThredUp has become my "go to" place for shopping lately. With their great prices on name brand clothes you can't go wrong and you have the added benefits of shopping from the comfort of your own couch wearing sweats, drinking wine and binging your favorite Netflix show.
Welcome Home Wednesdays Linky Party #112
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Welcome to Welcome Home Wednesdays number 112!!! I absolutely adore looking through your projects every single week and this week is no exception! We've been hanging out with y'all and sharing and loving all the goodies shared here!! Thank you ALL for coming back week after week!! We APPRECIATE y'all!!
Let's get started! Each week our little party gets even bigger... and we're so glad you're here to party with us! So bring your friends and link up something awesome... we love to see your amazing work around here! Don't forget to leave us a comment to let us know you stopped by and we'll do the same when we visit your link! The party will start each Wednesday at 7am CST... and we'll be here bright eyed, bushy tailed and ready to party! Stop by and share your fabulous posts... we would love to read them and share them with our friends!
The Happy Planner Vol. 2
Monday, October 16, 2017
Happy Monday morning loves. It's a rainy, cool day here and I am in need of all the cups of coffee and patience the world has to offer today. It was a restless night and a rainy morning so all I want to do is curl up on the couch with a cozy blanket and all my favorite shows but first, I wanted to share with you my planning post for this week.
Thrifting Tips & Outfit Inspiration with ThredUp
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Last week I shared my best thrifting tips in this post; Thrifty Girl with ThredUp. This week I wanted to dive a little deeper into the specifics of Thred Up and show you one of the fashionable and affordable outfits I recently found using ThredUp.
The Happy Planner Vol. 1
Monday, October 9, 2017
Hi Friends. Happy Monday. It's a cool, rainy day here for us and school's out for Columbus Day so i'm enjoying every minute of this lovely morning. I've got my door open, diffuser going with some easy breathy oil and Golden Girls on tv. If every Monday morning started like this then I would be a happy girl all the time but since most Monday mornings are filled with chaos and coffee while we stumble around in a zombie like state I've been on a mission to make the best of my Sundays and make Mondays a little easier on myself.
A few months ago I wrote this post on How To Have An Inspired and Productive Week. My first tip is Grab A Cup Of Coffee And Your Planner because there's nothing more important to me than planning my week out and I love to do that with pretty stickers and sparkly washi tape because it makes my to dos more enjoyable to look at and makes me feel more inspired to actually do them. Today i'm going to show you how I plan my week out in my Happy Planner.
Oh Hey, Friday!
Friday, October 6, 2017
Hey Friends! I think we can all let out a sigh of relief because our favorite day of the week is finally here. It's Fri-YAY and i've got extra reasons to celebrate this weekend; it's a 4 day weekend for my son, which means sleeping in and sushi dates for us and the weather is beautiful so who knows what else we will get in to. Maybe time at the park or a hike with our Willow girl but before we get into all the weekend fun let's share some Oh Hey, Friday! goodness.
Fall Bucket List
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Hey y'all. My favorite time of year is here and I am loving it. I've got the back door open and all my fall scented candles lit. The weather is cool and crisp and the leaves are starting to change. I'm getting all my fall cardigans and ripped jeans and boots out and decorating my house with all the pumpkins. This girl is ready for all things fall. With this time of year comes all of my favorite things so I thought it would be fun to share an autumn bucket list of things I'd like to do this season.
Welcome Home Wednesday Linky Party #110
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Welcome to Welcome Home Wednesdays number 110!!! I absolutely adore looking through your projects every single week and this week is no exception! We've been hanging out with y'all and sharing and loving all the goodies shared here!! Thank you ALL for coming back week after week!! We APPRECIATE y'all!!
Let's get started! Each week our little party gets even bigger... and we're so glad you're here to party with us! So bring your friends and link up something awesome... we love to see your amazing work around here! Don't forget to leave us a comment to let us know you stopped by and we'll do the same when we visit your link! The party will start each Wednesday at 7am CST... and we'll be here bright eyed, bushy tailed and ready to party! Stop by and share your fabulous posts... we would love to read them and share them with our friends!
Thrifty Girl with Thred Up
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Vintage. Old. Repurposed. Those are all things we think about when we think of thrifting. I'll admit, it wasn't until the last couple years that I really fell in love with thrift shopping. I love anything vintage but the idea of thrifting just really wasn't my cup of tea but now I love it. Thrift stores and antique stores are my favorite places to visit. I love walking through on a cold, rainy day with a cup of coffee in my hand, just browsing to see what catches my eye. There's something extra charming about antique shops because everything there has a history. If the items could talk they'd all have a story to share.
October Goals
Monday, October 2, 2017
Oh, Hi October. I like you best of all with your crisp air and chilly mornings and leaves changing colors. Please stay a while.
Hi friends! Another month has passed us by and with it comes my most favorite time of year; fall. I'm obsessed with everything about this time of year and days like today make it easy to see why. My house is clean, my windows are open and my fall scented candles are lit. I've started putting out my cute little pumpkins everywhere, too. I'm in love with it all but I think my absolute favorite thing about this time of year is the start to the holidays and family gatherings.
Welcome Home Wednesday Linky Party #108
Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Welcome to Welcome Home Wednesdays number 104!!! I absolutely adore looking through your projects every single week and this week is no exception! We've been hanging out with y'all and sharing and loving all the goodies shared here!! Thank you ALL for coming back week after week!! We APPRECIATE y'all!!
Let's get started! Each week our little party gets even bigger... and we're so glad you're here to party with us! So bring your friends and link up something awesome... we love to see your amazing work around here! Don't forget to leave us a comment to let us know you stopped by and we'll do the same when we visit your link! The party will start each Wednesday at 7am CST... and we'll be here bright eyed, bushy tailed and ready to party! Stop by and share your fabulous posts... we would love to read them and share them with our friends!
How To Beat the Afternoon Slump
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
One of my biggest struggles in life is that afternoon slump. We all know the story. Sometime around lunch time we hit a wall and all we want to do is curl up in a ball with a cozy blanket and take a quick nap but we keep powering through until it's quittin' time.
I say I want to be a boss but I enjoy naps more; truth is that it's rare for me to go through a day without feeling like I need a nap. That doesn't mean I give in everyday but since i'm a stay at home mom, wife/blogger there are days when I do take a power nap but it's not my preferred way of beating that slump. Here are some of my favorite ways to get past that afternoon slump.
Welcome Home Wednesday Linky Party #107
Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Welcome to Welcome Home Wednesdays number 104!!! I absolutely adore looking through your projects every single week and this week is no exception! We've been hanging out with y'all and sharing and loving all the goodies shared here!! Thank you ALL for coming back week after week!! We APPRECIATE y'all!!
Let's get started! Each week our little party gets even bigger... and we're so glad you're here to party with us! So bring your friends and link up something awesome... we love to see your amazing work around here! Don't forget to leave us a comment to let us know you stopped by and we'll do the same when we visit your link! The party will start each Wednesday at 7am CST... and we'll be here bright eyed, bushy tailed and ready to party! Stop by and share your fabulous posts... we would love to read them and share them with our friends!
September Mood Board + A Miracle Morning Challenge
Friday, September 8, 2017
September is officially here and it feels like it brought the fall weather with it. I'm so excited for this time of year with all the family time and celebrating that happens. This month, in particular, is especially my favorite because of the start of fall and my husband & I will celebrate our second wedding anniversary. In my excitement for all things fall I decided to create monthly mood boards so cozy up and share with me what you love most about this month.
Welcome Home Wednesday Linky Party #106
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Welcome to Welcome Home Wednesdays number 104!!! I absolutely adore looking through your projects every single week and this week is no exception! We've been hanging out with y'all and sharing and loving all the goodies shared here!! Thank you ALL for coming back week after week!! We APPRECIATE y'all!!
Let's get started! Each week our little party gets even bigger... and we're so glad you're here to party with us! So bring your friends and link up something awesome... we love to see your amazing work around here! Don't forget to leave us a comment to let us know you stopped by and we'll do the same when we visit your link! The party will start each Wednesday at 7am CST... and we'll be here bright eyed, bushy tailed and ready to party! Stop by and share your fabulous posts... we would love to read them and share them with our friends!
All About Them Goals....
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
For some reason I just started singing that like Meghan Trainor's All About That Bass and you can blame it on the coffee. It's the beginning of another month; one of my favorite months, to be exact because this is the month we celebrate my nephew's first birthday, my in law's anniversary and mine and my husband's second wedding anniversary. There's a lot of happiness, love, family time and celebrating to do this month, which is reason enough to be happy but then you add in the fact that fall is pretty much here and pumpkins everywhere and my heart explodes. Please give me all the flannel, cozy blankets, leaves changing and cooler days. Autumn has my heart, i'm sure of it.
Welcome Home Wednesday Linky Party #105
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Welcome to Welcome Home Wednesdays number 104!!! I absolutely adore looking through your projects every single week and this week is no exception! We've been hanging out with y'all and sharing and loving all the goodies shared here!! Thank you ALL for coming back week after week!! We APPRECIATE y'all!!
Let's get started! Each week our little party gets even bigger... and we're so glad you're here to party with us! So bring your friends and link up something awesome... we love to see your amazing work around here! Don't forget to leave us a comment to let us know you stopped by and we'll do the same when we visit your link! The party will start each Wednesday at 7am CST... and we'll be here bright eyed, bushy tailed and ready to party! Stop by and share your fabulous posts... we would love to read them and share them with our friends!
Guys Behind The Blog
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Guys Behind The Blog is back, y'all! We missed all summer because we were busy but my hubby has been asking me if he had any questions so here we are. His answers are always simple but I love seeing if the answers I think he'd give are the same ones he actually does. The best part is that he actually enjoys doing these posts and having a little feature on my blog.
So here are his answers for August.
Coffee Chat + Goals
Monday, August 28, 2017
Happy Monday, Dolls. Monday has such a bad rep, don't you think? After all, it's the day that forces us to get off our cozy spots on the couch and trade sweats and pajamas for real clothes. It's the day that makes us trade endless Netflix binges for work and turn our alarms back on. It's always been my least favorite day of the week, too but I'm on a mission to make Mondays loved so throw your hair in a messy bun, grab your favorite mug of coffee and get ready for a coffee date.
Peaches and Willow Refresh
Friday, August 25, 2017
Hi Sweet Friends. Welcome back to my little slice of the internet. This little place has been my refuge for so long. It's been my happy place and the place where I come to type all the feelings out as I cry myself clean. It's a place where friendships have been born and other friendships have been renewed.
Welcome Home Wednesday Linky Party #104
Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Welcome to Welcome Home Wednesdays number 104!!! I absolutely adore looking through your projects every single week and this week is no exception! We've been hanging out with y'all and sharing and loving all the goodies shared here!! Thank you ALL for coming back week after week!! We APPRECIATE y'all!!
Let's get started! Each week our little party gets even bigger... and we're so glad you're here to party with us! So bring your friends and link up something awesome... we love to see your amazing work around here! Don't forget to leave us a comment to let us know you stopped by and we'll do the same when we visit your link! The party will start each Wednesday at 7am CST... and we'll be here bright eyed, bushy tailed and ready to party! Stop by and share your fabulous posts... we would love to read them and share them with our friends!
In Case You Didn't Know...
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Hi Loves! Happy Day. Today's post is a fun way to get to know me a little better so I hope y'all enjoy.
Lipsense Review
Thursday, August 17, 2017
*This post contains products that were gifted to me. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*
Hi Lovies! I am so excited to share today's post with you because i've been on the hunt for that perfect lipstick that stays put through all life's brunches, cups of coffee and kisses and I finally found it! LipSense is long lasting, water proof and does not budge or smear. They offer a huge variety of colors and glosses that are buttery smooth, y'all and Ooops Remover for when you want to take it off.
Hi Lovies! I am so excited to share today's post with you because i've been on the hunt for that perfect lipstick that stays put through all life's brunches, cups of coffee and kisses and I finally found it! LipSense is long lasting, water proof and does not budge or smear. They offer a huge variety of colors and glosses that are buttery smooth, y'all and Ooops Remover for when you want to take it off.
Coffee Chat + Goals
Monday, August 14, 2017
Hey Sweet Friends! Happy Monday. It's been a while since i've done a coffee chat + goals post because i've had several other posts to fill the space of Mondays. I have missed y'all and our cozy coffee chats though so throw your hair in a top knot, grab your favorite mug filled with coffee and a blanket and let's chat about all the things on our hearts and share our goals for this week.
Loving Lately-Summer to Fall Style
Friday, August 11, 2017
Hi Loves! Happy day sweet friends. I hope you are all enjoying a happy, cozy day today celebrating this Fri-YAY! It's the the end of our first week of school and i'm proud to say we've survived! This is my son's first year of high school but he's handling it like a champ, not that this mama is surprised but let's just say this-mornings are neither of our thing but we're holding tight, working together and making it work.
Welcome Home Wednesday Linky Party #103
Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Welcome to Welcome Home Wednesdays number 103!!! I absolutely adore looking through your projects every single week and this week is no exception! We've been hanging out with y'all and sharing and loving all the goodies shared here!! Thank you ALL for coming back week after week!! We APPRECIATE y'all!!
Let's get started! Each week our little party gets even bigger... and we're so glad you're here to party with us! So bring your friends and link up something awesome... we love to see your amazing work around here! Don't forget to leave us a comment to let us know you stopped by and we'll do the same when we visit your link! The party will start each Wednesday at 7am CST... and we'll be here bright eyed, bushy tailed and ready to party! Stop by and share your fabulous posts... we would love to read them and share them with our friends!
Meet your Fabulous Hosts!
Happily Ever After, Etc. @ Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | InstagramFive Kids, a Dog & a Blog @ Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Instagram
Suburban Simplicity @ Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Instagram
Peaches & Willow @ Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Instagram
The Spotlight! That's right... Features!
These people were extra cool last week... so we're featuring them this week! That means they get a little time in the spotlight...and a cameo on our social media accounts (if you've ever wanted to hangout on my facebook page this is your chance!) Sounds awesome huh?! For your chance to be featured make sure to follow all of your hosts on social media... and leave us a little note so we know you're following!! Just pop over and leave a comment on Facebook (or Twitter, or Instagram... whichever one is your jam!) We look at every single link so we don't miss a beat!
The Rules are there ain't no Rules!
We ain't your Mama... so we don't have a strict rules list. View this more as party etiquette!1. Be kind! Read and comment on your fellow party goers links!
2. We like to think we're super fancy... we want our guests to feel fancy too so no link-party or affiliate links please!
3. If you want to be featured please follow your hosts on social media... then link back to the party with a text link... or our fabulous button!
4. Link to a specific post... not your home page! We want to see what you've been up to this week!
5. Our mama's taught us to share... that includes the limelight! No more than 3 links per person please!
6. That's it! Have fun and link up your best stuff! We can't wait to see it!
7. Please note that by sharing at Welcome Home Wednesdays, you are giving permission for your projects to be shared on social media and in round up posts on any of the cohosts sites
4 Gals, 4 Blogs & 1 Great Party! Link up once to appear on 4 Amazing Blogs!
Want to come back next week? We'll send you a reminder... just put your email in the box!
Thanks so much for Stopping by!
Like any good hosts we're sitting right by the present table waiting until our guests leave so we can go through the loot... the loot being your links! We can't wait to check out what you've left for us. Trust me there will be a lot of pinning, tweeting and facebook sharing going on in the near future... we can't wait to show off what you've left!Save
{Shop Small} Soap On and So Forth
Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Hello Naomi. Welcome to my sweet little corner of the blog world. Let's pour a glass of sweet tea, kick off our shoes, get comfy and share some girl chat about your amazing business, Soap On and So Forth.
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I'm 28 years old. Originally from and still live in Temple, Georgia. I am an entrepreneur/soap maker by trade and mother to a sweet little kitty named Fluff Fluff.
How did you pick your shop name?
I've always been a fan of puns and found the perfect opportunity to incorporate one into my business name, therefore I did. I just thought it was hilarious and other people enjoyed it, so I guess it just stuck.
What inspired you to open your shop?
Working in retail is something i've been doing since I was 15 years old. I always knew I wanted to have some kind of store of my own someday but never dreamed it would be filled with products that I had created myself. When I found my niche and received such a positive response from my peers and customers, I just knew that I wasn't going to stop working towards my goal and dream of being a shop owner.
What's your biggest inspiration for creating new products?
My biggest inspiration thus far has been nature. I see the beauty in God's creations all around me.
I love recreating images like sunsets and rainbows in my products, as well as scents like peaches and kudzu.
How do you fight through creative blocks?
I don't think i've ever experienced a creative block thanks to my wonderful friends and family, who always have ideas and suggestions for new designs. Of course, when all else fails, take a bath!
What makes you most excited about owning your shop?
Being able to freely express myself creatively and see the joy my products bring to other people are probably the best parts about owning my shop.
What's your favorite thing to do in your free time, when you aren't working?
Lounging on my couch and watching a good movie or being lost in a great book are my favorite pastimes when i'm not working.
What does a day in your life look like?
A day in the life of Naomi is very colorful, aromatic, and hectic; feeling constantly dirty while being sparkly clean and finding glitter in places you didn't know existed until now.
What is your favorite item you currently offer?
My favorite item has been and always will be the bubble bars. I'm a sucker for a bubble bath, so anytime I get a chance I break a piece off of a bubble bar and hop in a hot, relaxing bath.
What is your best selling item?
Rock Star bath bombs have been a number one seller for about a year now. Not only online but at our retail locations, too.
It almost smells like pixi sticks and makes swirls of blues, pinks and purples in the tub with a hint of sparkle.
Can you share any sneak peaks of items coming soon?
Currently I have been working on jelly soaps. If you've never heard of them, they are pretty awesome. It's literally soap in the form of jello. It's super fun and jiggly and has amazing lather with moisturizing properties. They will make their debut at the Grand Opening of our first brick and mortar location on August 4th. (Yay, Yall!!! Naomi already has her first brick and mortar store open!)
Do you have any special promotions currently?
At this moment we do not have any special promotions going on but check back with us frequently because we often run sales and have giveaways!
Where can my readers find you?
You can find us on social media at:
Our products are also available at Cover Me Southern Boutique in Villa Rica, Ga and at our new brick and mortar location at 111 Wedowee St. Bowden, Ga 30108 which is open now!!!!
Thank you, Naomi, for sharing all your inspiring answers with us. Your job sounds like every girl's dream come true and I know from experience that your products are amazing. They're bright, colorful, fun and unique and the packaging is seriously pretty enough to display in my bathroom. Your products make bath time the bomb!
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I'm 28 years old. Originally from and still live in Temple, Georgia. I am an entrepreneur/soap maker by trade and mother to a sweet little kitty named Fluff Fluff.
How did you pick your shop name?
I've always been a fan of puns and found the perfect opportunity to incorporate one into my business name, therefore I did. I just thought it was hilarious and other people enjoyed it, so I guess it just stuck.
What inspired you to open your shop?
Working in retail is something i've been doing since I was 15 years old. I always knew I wanted to have some kind of store of my own someday but never dreamed it would be filled with products that I had created myself. When I found my niche and received such a positive response from my peers and customers, I just knew that I wasn't going to stop working towards my goal and dream of being a shop owner.
What's your biggest inspiration for creating new products?
My biggest inspiration thus far has been nature. I see the beauty in God's creations all around me.
I love recreating images like sunsets and rainbows in my products, as well as scents like peaches and kudzu.
How do you fight through creative blocks?
I don't think i've ever experienced a creative block thanks to my wonderful friends and family, who always have ideas and suggestions for new designs. Of course, when all else fails, take a bath!
What makes you most excited about owning your shop?
Being able to freely express myself creatively and see the joy my products bring to other people are probably the best parts about owning my shop.
What's your favorite thing to do in your free time, when you aren't working?
Lounging on my couch and watching a good movie or being lost in a great book are my favorite pastimes when i'm not working.
What does a day in your life look like?
A day in the life of Naomi is very colorful, aromatic, and hectic; feeling constantly dirty while being sparkly clean and finding glitter in places you didn't know existed until now.
What is your favorite item you currently offer?
My favorite item has been and always will be the bubble bars. I'm a sucker for a bubble bath, so anytime I get a chance I break a piece off of a bubble bar and hop in a hot, relaxing bath.
What is your best selling item?
Rock Star bath bombs have been a number one seller for about a year now. Not only online but at our retail locations, too.
It almost smells like pixi sticks and makes swirls of blues, pinks and purples in the tub with a hint of sparkle.
Can you share any sneak peaks of items coming soon?
Currently I have been working on jelly soaps. If you've never heard of them, they are pretty awesome. It's literally soap in the form of jello. It's super fun and jiggly and has amazing lather with moisturizing properties. They will make their debut at the Grand Opening of our first brick and mortar location on August 4th. (Yay, Yall!!! Naomi already has her first brick and mortar store open!)
Do you have any special promotions currently?
At this moment we do not have any special promotions going on but check back with us frequently because we often run sales and have giveaways!
Where can my readers find you?
You can find us on social media at:
Our products are also available at Cover Me Southern Boutique in Villa Rica, Ga and at our new brick and mortar location at 111 Wedowee St. Bowden, Ga 30108 which is open now!!!!
Thank you, Naomi, for sharing all your inspiring answers with us. Your job sounds like every girl's dream come true and I know from experience that your products are amazing. They're bright, colorful, fun and unique and the packaging is seriously pretty enough to display in my bathroom. Your products make bath time the bomb!
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