Happy Saturday Peachies! I hope you're enjoying this lovely morning. If you don't already have your cup of coffee go get it, come back, kick your feet up and stay for a while. I've got an exciting post about what I'm currently doing to share with you today.
Today's Blogtember Challenge with Bailey @
braveloveblog is a fun one. It's something i've done on my own several times
You can see, i'm no stranger to this topic but it has been a couple months since i've done one so this comes at the perfect time. I love my version of this but I want to do Bailey's, too. So
PART 1 is my own questions.
PART 2 are Bailey's questions.
Day 12: What are you up to currently?
Making: jewelry. I've gotten back into my groove of being crafty & creative and i'm loving it!
Cooking: My honey is smoking some ribs & they smell amazing! I'll be cooking Roasted Parmesan Cauliflower, Broccoli & Cheese, Garlic Bread and Roasted Potatoes in just a little while.
Drinking: Water. All the water.
Wanting: to meet Betty White! That would be a dream come true!!!
Looking: at the beautiful Nelle Monaco's blog
vintage simply love
Wasting: time on line until it's time to cook!
Wishing: we were already on our honeymoon in Hawaii.
Enjoying: blogging, The First Five app, Boss Girl Creative, She Percolates, & Jess Lively's podcasts
and getting ready for my wedding!
Waiting: for my Restoration Hardware & Williams Sonoma catalogs to come so I can look at them and swoon.
And dream of the day when Chip & JoAnna Gaines redecorate the house we don't live in yet.
Liking: all things gray, nude, blush, and wine colors.
Wondering: If i'll be able to hold myself together at my own wedding. I already get teary eyed thinking about it. {Still true}
Loving: that it's Saturday, my beach body group, this Blogtember challenge. I'm also loving snapchat: georigapeachy82
Hoping: for fall weather. I'm ready for coziness & casseroles.
For scarves and crockpots.
The color of the leaves changing & all the holidays.
Marveling: At our life. I have the best fiancee and son in the world.
We're super proud of our son for his progress report. He has five A's & two B's.
Needing: to get my thank you's mailed out.
Smelling: soft cashmere amber burning in my wax burner & my vintage lace candle burning {inside the house}
& smoking ribs outside.
Wearing: A red Georgia T and denim shorts.
Following: everyone on snap chat.
Noticing: how beautiful life is when you make the choice to be happy & how fabulous this weather is today.
Knowing: that the mug swap I participated in was amazing. It was so nice to bless someone else.
Thinking: I'm one blessed girl & those ribs smell amazing!
Feeling: Blessed, amazing, loved, inspired.
Bookmarking: uses of Himalayan salt, Lauren Conrad's hair secrets, How to be Instagram Famous, & mini cherry cheesecakes.
Giggling: at Betty White. She's amazing!
Reading...all the wonderful blogs i've gotten behind on & the ones I've found through this challenge & my Blog Group.
Playing...nothing right now.
Watching...whatever survival show my honey has on t.v. {obviously i'm not paying too much attention} BUT I do love to watch
Fixer Upper when I can!
Trying...to get on a blogging schedule.
Eating...nothing yet. We've got that yummy dinner coming soon though.
Calling...No one, honestly. I don't like being on the phone that much.
Texting...My mama. All day, we've been texting back and forth. :)
Pinning...All things Rose Gold, Blog tips, & this
Chicken Stuffed French Bread.
Tweeting...Blog posts and Instagram pics.
Going...to the beach for our wedding in two weeks from today then to Hawaii on our honeymoon.
Hating...that I woke up with my face having some sort of reaction to something. Red, swollen,& splotchy is not cool!!
Discovering...my love for a healthier lifestyle. I really am loving it because i'm feeling better.
Listening (to)...that survival show my honey has on. {And only half heartedly.}
Celebrating...that it's only two weeks until I get to stand barefoot on the beach & say
I DO to my best friend for life.
Ordering...my wedding cake topper. {Actually it's ordered, we're just waiting on it to arrive.}
Thanking...everyone who has shown me so much love lately. I really am more blessed than i'll ever be able to say.
Considering...going to finish dinner.
Starting...to think of everything I need to get done before we leave for our wedding.
Finishing...this post and then going to cook before my parents get here.

Tell me. What are you currently doing?