Hey Friends! If you've been around Peaches & Willow for a while then you know that things were quieter for about 6 months here. I stopped posting 3-4x's a week and went radio silent. I've been back with three new posts since August though and if you missed the post that explained why I was silent for so long you can read it here. Long story short; we will be welcoming a new member to the Soto tribe in November and we could not be more excited. I thought it would be fun to up-date you all with a Q&A post on my pregnancy and all things baby related so far. Since I haven't been blogging much there's a lot to cover but i'll try to keep it brief.
So get cozy and let's talk all things baby.
Weekend Findings
Monday, September 10, 2018
Hey Friends! Welcome back to my little corner of the internet. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Ours was full of relaxing and getting things done around our house in preparation for my shower next weekend. My hubby & I ran a few errands and I bought a few random things; books and make up mostly. As I was gathering them to take a quick pic for Instagram the inspiration hit me to start a new series on Peaches and Willow where I share the things I found over the weekend that I love and if there are any deals on them that I know of currently. Somethings will be local sales and even small local shops but i'll link up whatever I can and share with you. I'll probably even share things I'm loving such as new songs I found or articles I read.
Mondays are hard but I want to make them a little more happy by sharing these things with you all so I hope you all enjoy this series.
Coffee Chat vol. 4
Sunday, August 19, 2018
Happy Monday, Peaches! It's been a while since i've written a coffee chat post. The last one I wrote was just a couple weeks before we found out we are expecting and I was still drinking coffee on the daily. Sometimes even twice a day. Since then I did the one thing I thought i'd never do and gave up coffee. I know, it still shocks me, too but it's been six months today since I've had my last cup. My OB doctor said it was best if I could stay away from it so I have. There are days I try to convince my husband that I *NEED* him to make me a cup, hoping he'll forget but he never does. Of course that was one of the appointments he has been able to go to with me so he heard it for himself straight from the source so...what's a girl to do? He's promised me a cup of my favorite Kauai coffee as soon as I can have it though. November i'm looking at you but in the mean time, it's all worth it for a healthy baby girl. So we're going to improvise these coffee chats and pretend so go pour yourself a mug full of coffee (extra for me, please).
I'll wait until you get back.
Oh Baby.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Hi Friends! You may have noticed that this little corner of my internet world hasn't been getting the love it deserves lately and that's because, well, I've been busy growing another human. Yes, we are expecting a baby girl in November. I am officially 25 weeks now and we are over the moon. The first trimester hit me hard, I didn't have the energy to keep my eyes open much less write posts and edit photos but I have missed this little space and all of you, too.
Tiesta Tea Review
Friday, March 23, 2018
Hey Friends! If you've been around here for a while then you know my love of coffee. My day doesn't start until i've had a mug full in the quietness of the morning. Somedays even require multiple cups and nothing is more soul filling than a coffee date with a friend but I'm a southern girl through and through and coffee wasn't always my favorite. Tea, however, was. It's a southern staple, yall. It's served at every party, family reunion, wedding, BBQ, and restaurant down here. It's even a daily staple in my own refrigerator; it has been my entire life.
How To Style A Graphic Tee
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
I'm a tried and true jeans and tee kinda girl. I honestly think there's nothing easier than throwing on a graphic tee, jeans, Converse and minimal make up and jewelry for a daily style but sometimes I like to dress my tees up.
I am especially loving the graphic tee trend right now because there are so many ways you can style a graphic tee. Today i'm sharing a couple fun ways to style a graphic tee, thanks to Leanne from Leanne and Company. She sent me this cute shirt from her shop; Leanne & Co. in exchange for this post.
Favorite Spring Lip Sticks + Moisturizing Products
Sunday, March 11, 2018
Hello there. Happy Monday. This weekend was full of family, friends, food, and lots of laughter for me and my family. We celebrated birthdays with some friends and my husband and I ended the weekend by curling up watching The Walking Dead with a glass of wine. It was a wonderful weekend, the low key kind that fills my soul up and makes me ready for the week ahead. Raise your hand if you're happy about the extra hour of daylight we got over the weekend. My hand is raised the highest because daylight is something else that feels my soul up. I live for sunny, warm days.
Daylight Savings Tips To Beat Fatigue
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Hi Friends! Happy Friday. I have to say that it hasn't been one of those weeks that has made me wish for the weekend. I mean, sure, I've been counting down the days until I can sleep in but other than that it's been a good week. One of my favorite things about weekends is definitely sleeping in but did with daylight savings time this weekend, i'm not sure how well that's going to go. I feel so excited about the extra hours of daylight but my body probably won't feel the same and the last thing I want to do is be in a fog because I actually missed out on more sleep than I already do. This girl needs her 10-12 on the weekends because 6-7 Monday through Friday just doesn't cut it. I feel like i'm barely hanging on by a thread come Thursday because of the lack of sleep I'm already getting. I definitely don't want to feel that way Saturday and Sunday, too. So I rounded up some tips on how to beat daylight savings fatigue so we can enjoy that extra hour of sunlight.
Shop Small Inspiration Q&A's with Leanne and Co.
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Hello Leanne. Welcome to Peaches and Willow. I am so glad you could join me today. I'm kind of obsessed with your brand. You are like to Joanna Gaines of the entrepreneurial world. You have your shop, courses and fun resources on your site. Our readers can also find you for hire in several areas, including web design and branding. You do it all and you do it all so seemingly flawlessly so I can't wait to find out more about you and how you balance it all.
Starbucks Medicine Ball Copy Cat Recipe
Monday, March 5, 2018
Spring is officially here in Georgia, y'all. I don't care what the ground hog said, my flowers outside say differently and I am loving it. What I'm not loving about all the beautiful trees and flowers in bloom is the pollen and consequently, allergies. I spent last week on my couch sleeping with my box of tissues and allergy meds close by because my body decided at the first sight of pollen to stop functioning. I'm the worst sick patient ever, y'all. I'm fine with sitting down and reading a book but when it comes to having to spend an entire week on the sofa, getting nothing done i'm, not for it.
Coffee Chat vol.3
Sunday, March 4, 2018
Happy Monday, Lovely. I'm sure you are rolling your eyes and wondering how can a Monday be happy? Well friends, it's a matter of making up our minds to be happy and make the best of the day. I know, none of us are happy about turning in our sweats and messy buns for work attire of having to set our alarms for another 5 days but I can promise you, Mondays can be good if we start them off right so go pour yourself a mug of your favorite coffee and get cozy with me for some Monday morning coffee chat.
I'll wait until you get back.
March Goals
Friday, March 2, 2018
Happy March! Ummm, what?!? Don't get me wrong; i'm happy for all the pretty blooms and the spring like weather we're having but I'm also wondering where this year is going? This month has been a struggle for all things blog related. I feel like the hustle came to a screeching halt last month and I had to push myself to keep going. I posted 6 posts, that was it. While it's hard not to beat myself up over that number, i'm finding it a little easier knowing I spent a good bit of the month celebrating birthdays with my loved ones and focusing on quality over quantity. I didn't have any sponsored posts this month but I have two in the works for next month so stay tuned for those.
Since it's the first of the month I wanted to share my goals for this month and re-cap how I did with February's so here are February's wins and losses and all the things I plan to work on in March.
Reading, Watching, Listening
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Music, TV, Books and Podcasts are taking over our days lately and I will be the first to admit that I am a sucker for a good story; be it in any of those forms so I thought I would share what I'm Reading, Listening and Watching lately. So get ready to add some fun new books, podcasts and shows to your list. I'll admit though that there are no movies on this list because every time we put on a movie i'm sleeping away before the movie gets good. Oh! I did watch Wonder with my Mom and Grandma a couple weeks ago. I highly recommend it and would give it a 5 out of 5 so if you haven't already go watch it.
Now on with the show...or podcast...or book. You get the point.
Growing Friendships as Adults
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Something that has been on my heart and mind a lot lately is friendships. In high school I had a group of four girlfriends and we were inseparable. We were together every chance we could get. Friday nights were spent at our favorite mexican restaurant, eating way too much queso and laughing and talking for hours. We'd go to Wal-Mart and spend hours there finding make up and cd's we just couldn't live without (this was a small town without Target at the time, y'all). We have a million memories together.
Saving Money with Harry's Shave Club
Thursday, February 15, 2018
One of my goals for this new year is to find ways to save money and cut back on trips to the store. I feel like I live my life at the grocery store and Target buying food and all the bath and beauty essentials. Sometimes it can be fun but mostly it's one of those mundane chores that gets old after a while. I'm so much of a homebody that I have considered starting to use a delivery service for most of my shopping and honestly, that's something that my husband and I will probably start doing before long but for now, I have found one way to cut back on trips to the store and save on one thing we use all the time; razors and shaving products.
Coffee Chat vol. 2
Friday, February 9, 2018
Hi and welcome to my cozy little space. I'm so glad you're joining me for a coffee date. I believe life is sweeter with coffee dates with our best girlfriends while we get cozy and share the deepest parts of our heart so get comfy, grab a cup of coffee and join me for coffee chat.
28 Days of Skin Care
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Skin care is a vital part of our well being. I know my mama and my skin care lady will not be happy to hear this but I have not been keeping up my skin care routine like I should that's why i've joined together with my friend Kayla from Polished and Bubbly for this challenge.
Why it's Okay to Take a Break
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Self care is something that has really been on my heart and mind a lot lately. It's hard to focus on self care when we're so busy focusing on all the other things that life brings to us and all the people we love, too. I've always thought of self care as taking a long bubble bath with a face mask on or treating myself to that new make up palette I want at Ulta or a cupcake at a local bakery but recently i've learned that there is so much more to self care than that.
February Goals
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Hi Friends! I can't believe that we're officially into February. Aside from the month from Thanksgiving to Christmas, this is my favorite month of the year because it's birthday month. Of course it's Valentine's Day, too but my birthday is just two days before the day of love so it's a month filled with celebration. My husband's birthday just happens to be 12 days after mine, too so we love it up and celebrate hard this month.
Before we jump into all things love and celebration I want to share a re-cap of January's goals and my goals for February. I think this month's goals will be more intentional than usual and focused on giving and loving myself and others more. So here are January's wins and losses and February's goals.
Favorite Beauty Products Vol. 1
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Happy Wednesday Dolls (and guys, if you're out there). I hope you're all having a wonderful day. It's a sunny, beautiful day here. The kind that just fills my heart and soul with such happiness and inspiration and makes me feel all kinds of beautiful.
Winter can be such a downer when it's so cold, dark and gloomy all the time. I don't feel like getting out from under my blankets much less put on make up and "real" clothes but i've really been focusing on my introverted side this year and making myself get out of the house and moving, even when I don't feel like it and it's been a really good thing for my soul. As a result, i've been trying out new make up and beauty products and wanted to share a few of my absolute favorites from this month with you.
Read on to find out what i've been loving this month.
January Target Beauty Box
Monday, January 29, 2018
Happy Tuesday Beauties. I hope you are all doing amazing and enjoying your day so far.
Subscription boxes have taken the world by storm lately. It's easy to say they are one of the trendiest and most coveted things among us ladies but sometimes they're a little pricey. That's why I have fallen in love with the Target Beauty Box (this month's box has sold out but follow the link at the beginning of February to get yours next month). I started getting boxes last year and am kind of obsessed.
Currently + Instagram Inspiration
Sunday, January 28, 2018
Hi Friends! Happy Monday. It has been such a long time since i've done a currently post so I thought I would share one today along with some of my favorite Instagram posts from the last couple months so get pour yourself a cup of coffee and get cozy while I share what i've been up to lately.
2018 Reading List
Friday, January 26, 2018
Hi Friends! Happy Friday. I'm so ready for the weekend, it's been our first full week of school since December 18th so i'm struggling, for sure. I'm so ready for a slow weekend full of snuggles, sweat pants, coffee and good books. Of course my son is turning 15 this weekend so there may or may not be tears and celebrating this weekend, too but nothing makes me happier than long, slow weekend mornings followed by afternoons full of celebrations.
Blogger Inspiration Q&A
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Inspiration is something we all need help with sometimes as bloggers. I know I do and one of the ways I find inspiration is through reading other's posts and hearing the process behind creating content and how they over come those creative blocks, that's why I am answering some questions about being a blogger and how I find my inspiration. There are also a few questions thrown in there for fun, too so grab a cup of tea or coffee and get cozy while I talk about my creative process, all things social media and my favorite songs.
Sugar Palm Beauty
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Winter has officially set in and quiet personally this summer lovin' girl has had enough. A girl can only be cozy and pale for so long before she starts getting those winter blues and dreaming of long days spent at the pool or the beach, getting her tan on. If that's you then, I feel you girl. Since we can’t all be somewhere tropical soaking up the sun, I’ve got the next best thing! Sugar Palm Beauty self tanner. It might not bring the sunshine out but it’ll definitely give your skin that sun kissed, glowy look.
Celebrating Through the Hard Times
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
It seems like everywhere you turn these days there's bad news starting us in the face with all the natural disasters and acts of violence and terrorism. This world is so full of hatred and darkness and most days it can consume me if I allow it to. I've began to struggle with anxiety in the last year and I contribute it to the ugliness of the world. Sometimes the feelings of anxiety hit me while I'm standing in the middle of the aisle at Target, trying to pick out new make up or a pretty new outfit. Sometimes it hits me while i'm in my car, listening to my favorite music on the way to pick my son up from school. The thing is anxiety shows up when you least expect it and sometimes, for a reason I can't understand.
2018 Vision Board
Sunday, January 14, 2018
New Year + fresh starts. That's one of my favorite things about January. There are 365 days to set new goals and bring them to life and as much as I love writing my goals in my new planner, I love vision boards even more. I'm a believer in the more we visualize, write and repeat our goals the more likely we are to follow through with them so after I wrote my 2018 Goals and January Goals posts I knew I wanted to create a vision board to bring this year's goals to life.
January Intentional Goals
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Hello there. If you were here yesterday you read my post on setting intentional goals. I'm a little late sharing January's goals but I had to put some thought into them because I wanted to make them truly intentional. Sure, I have my crazy long list of goals for the year but I wanted to make my monthly goals more focused and intentional. I feel like that's the true way to actually achieve anything, through baby steps and being 100% honest and realistic.
Cultivated Goals
Monday, January 8, 2018
Hi Friends. Happy New Year! Are you ready for the hustle of the new year to begin? There's something so refreshing about this time of year. Something I absolutely adore because I am reminded to just be still and enjoy the season I'm in while I focus on goals and dreams I want to chase in the new year. I don't just like setting typical goals like lose 10 pounds, I like to set intentional goals. Typical goals like loosing 10 pounds are great but they're the kind of things I loose interest in when i'm not seeing fast results, that's why I like setting more intentional goals that are a great base to build off of.
Oh Hey, Friday!
Monday, January 8, 2018
Happy Friday, y'all! It's been 3 months since i've written an Oh Hey, Friday! post. To be honest, I debated even starting them up again but ultimately I decided to because it's my favorite way to share little snippets of what's happening in my world, on my blog and on the blogs I love to follow so here we are. I'm refreshed and ready to bring a little light hearted fun into Friday so get cozy while I share with you my first Oh Hey, Friday! post of the year.
Coffee Chat vol. 1
Sunday, January 7, 2018
Happy Monday Dolls. I'm so happy you're here with me this morning. I know Mondays aren't our favorite days but it makes it a little easier to bear with friends so grab a cup of coffee and get cozy with me for a coffee date.
*Bonus if you are in pajamas or sweats with your hair in a messy bun because that's what I want this space to feel like; cozy dates with girlfriends in sweats and messy buns while we spill open the inner most parts of our hearts.*
2018 Word of the Year + Affirmations
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
Hi there.
I just love beginnings; beginnings of new years, new days, new weeks, new months. They all hold so much possibility and that really makes my heart happy. I'm a dreamer, a hopeless optimist and a lover of all the things. I choose to see the bright side of everything and rely on my faith far too often.
When I was in my early twenties I did one of those silly name tests where you take the first letter of your name and the color shirt you're wearing (or something equally as random and silly) and you get a new name based off of them. My name was Princess Head in the Clouds and it was true. It's still true 15 years later. It's just who I am and I love it.
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