March Goals

Happy March! Ummm, what?!? Don't get me wrong; i'm happy for all the pretty blooms and the spring like weather we're having but I'm also wondering where this year is going? This month has been a struggle for all things blog related. I feel like the hustle came to a screeching halt last month and I had to push myself to keep going. I posted 6 posts, that was it. While it's hard not to beat myself up over that number, i'm finding it a little easier knowing I spent a good bit of the month celebrating birthdays with my loved ones and focusing on quality over quantity. I didn't have any sponsored posts this month but I have two in the works for next month so stay tuned for those.

Since it's the first of the month I wanted to share my goals for this month and re-cap how I did with February's so here are February's wins and losses and all the things I plan to work on in March.

February Goals


Focus on social self care win I got out more and even accomplished some of my other self care goals that i'll get to in a minute.

Write a love letter to myself not a win but it's in my goals for March.

Take a weekend break from social media not a win but I did better about dis-connecting so it's not a total loss.

Say yes to one event and commit to seeing it through not a win the only events I got invited to legitimately fell on a weekend when we were celebrating birthdays.

Go out to breakfast on my own and sit in the cafe to eat win this was my favorite win of the month because it did my heart so good to sit in the quiet cafe with soft music playing and enjoy my devotional. My heart really needed it that day in particular. This will be a goal of mine every month.

Throw a Galentine's brunch not a win because #life.

Have one date day/night with my hubby win my hubby took my birthday off and we spent the entire day disconnected from everything else. We went to breakfast at our favorite cafe and then we went to our new favorite antique store where we spent hours browsing the aisles and no less than one hour flipping through old albums. We ended the night with dinner at Cracker Barrel. It made my heart so happy to spend the entire day with him.

//Social Media//

Grow relationships with fellow bloggers not a win this month I was quiet in the blogging world.

Continue growing social media:
Instagram: 809 followers win I'm at 821 followers.
Peaches & Willow Facebook: 71 followers not a win somehow I lost one follower.


Pre-write content for the month
not a win which is why I only had 6 posts this month.

Curate intentional and heart centered posts for March win I've got a few good ones in the work for March.

Collaborate with one company/brand not a win though I can't call it a total loss because the two I had in the works ended up being more suited for March because of the time they require.

Start a blog post sharing group for my blogger friends not a win

March Goals

Allow myself one totally indulgent self care day; naps, cupcakes, all the things that make me happy
Work on social & intellectual self care
Write my own mission statement for my life
Take a weekend break from social media
Plan one event with friends
Have one date day/night with my hubby
Wake up early one morning and have coffee with my husband
Finish Reading Mircale At The Higher Grounds Cafe

Social Media//
Comment on other bloggers and friend's posts more
Start a group chat type of FB group

Continue growing social media:
Instagram: 840 followers
Peaches & Willow Facebook: 80 followers

Pre-write content for the month
Collaborate with one company/brand
Start a blog post sharing group for my blogger friends
Journal everyday

What are some of your goals for March?

What are some of your goals for March?

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Thanks for stopping by and leaving some love. Have a peachy day.