On Wednesdays We Confess
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Hi Peachies! Happy Wednesday! Does anyone else feel like they have a Thanksgiving hangover? I'm so exhausted and having such a hard time getting motivated to get anything done but all of our Christmas decor is out, so there's a win! You know what else is a win? On Wednesdays We Confess with my sweet friend Mistle from Sweet Tea and Hydrangeas.
This week I'm confessing...
I Confess today is my daddy's birthday. He's one of my favorite humans in the world.
I'm so happy we get to go have dinner with he and my mom tonight.
I Confess today is our Willow pup's first birthday, too!
She'll be getting lots of treats and a couple gifts later.
I Confess I'm running off fumes and coffee this week.
Unfortunately, there's not enough coffee in the world.
I Confess my cute new glitter Christmas mug does help a little though.
Check it out on Instagram.
I Confess the laundry just won't quit.
I've done six loads in two days and I'm no where near done.
Anyone want to come do it for me?
I Confess all I want to do is snuggle on the couch with my tree lit and watch Hallmark Christmas movies.
I Confess I'm obsessed with Limited Edition Swamp Queen Tarte Palette.
It's at the top of my Christmas Wish list.
I Confess I'm pretty obsessed with my blog and interacting in my Instagram pods and Pinterest group boards.
I Confess I'm ecstatic for the I Love Lucy Christmas special on Friday night.
I Confess it's been raining here in Georgia for most of this week.
Usually the rain makes me so grumpy but since it hasn't rained here for 45 days, I'm loving it!
I Confess I haven't even started Christmas shopping.
I Confess I love seeing all the pretty lights lighting our street up this time of year.
I Confess i've never watched Gilmore Girls but I'm wanting to watch the reunion.
I'm wondering if I should just start from the beginning and binge watch them all?!?
I Confess the best feeling in the world is taking off my bra and make up at the end of the day.
I Confess my favorite $5 earrings my hubby bought me when we first started dating (don't worry, he's not cheap.
I picked them out and wanted them so he bought them for me) broke after 4 years of my wearing them daily.
I couldn't deal so I bought a similar pair on Etsy today. I can't wait to get that happy mail.
I Confess I want to be a #girlboss but I need a nap more.
So loves, those are my confessions this week.
What do you want to confess?
Christmas Shop Small {Mobsession}
Monday, November 28, 2016
Hello lovely Peachies! Happy Tuesday. Is it me or is this already the longest week in the history of forever? I feel like I have a Thanksgiving hangover and I didn't even drink! this girl is livin' off naps, coffee and Jesus right now. Oh, and Black Friday/Shope Small Saturday/Cyber Monday on line window shopping. I'm too exhausted to actually put clothes on and go shopping so if you are anything like me and have zero motivation to actually get out and shop then I have you covered. Every Tuesday and Thursday i'm featuring a small shop or small business owner on the blog; today I get the pleasure of featuring one of my favorite people on the planet, my Aunt and her Etsy shop; Mobsession.
Hello Devon. Welcome to my blog sweet blog.
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I am a highly motivated, imperfect perfectionist, who is constantly working towards goals and dreams. I am a Mom of 3. My world literally revolves around my children. I am determined to show them that settling is not an option and there are no limits to their goals and dreams.
I love to read. I love to make, create, and re-purpose. I love to teach myself new things, even if I do not like doing it, at least I can say I tried. We are an athletic family. Our boys play soccer. As a family, we are involved in Brazilian Jujitsu, Tae Kwon Do, Krav Maga, and boxing. I am an amateur photographer and have an insane amount of photos on my kids. I am an investigator by nature and have spent the last 18 years working with criminals. I also have a fascination with the Mob and serial killers. At the other end of the spectrum, I love listening to self¬-help and motivational stuff. I am all over the place. I rarely stop going. I am always doing something. I am intense and passionate and always willing to grow and learn more.
How did you pick your Etsy name?
I have always been fascinated with, maybe even a little obsessed with the mob. The mafia lifestyle to me is big, bold, and over the top.
It can be bright and shiny or dark and sinister. The lifestyle and the ties run very deep. I thought Mobsession was fitting.
What inspired you to open your Etsy shop?
This all started as a little hobby for me. I just didn’t like the jewelry I was seeing when I went to shop for something. If I did find something, it just wasn’t quite right. The quality just was not there. I found myself saying “I could totally make that” A LOT. I ended up finding new ways to make things and started making a lot of pieces. After meeting some really awesome talented people, I started selling pieces at some local art studios. Then I decided I would take the plunge into ETSY. I think it is a great way to support those of us who love to share our handmade items. I believe there is a certain amount of mutual respect for ETSY sellers and they want to support those within the ETSY community.
What makes you most excited about owning your shop?
I have a goal to leave the work force, After 18 years of doing the same thing, I am ready to start a new chapter. I am eager to expand on my creativity and be the one to make what others are looking for. I truly believe people are looking for that personal touch.
I do think that can be attained on-line. You can develop a relationship with your shopper and provide them with what it is they are looking for. I try to let my customers know that I want them happy with their item(s). I will try to accommodate them to the absolute best of my ability.
What inspires you to create new products?
When it comes to my creativity and making things for people, I get the most satisfaction out of making something that makes someone feel. When someone says to me that what I have done for them is special to them or it made them tear up because of the meaning behind it, I get the chills. Recently, I did a bullet for a mother and daughter that belonged to Mom’s father who was in WWII. Each piece was specific to what the ladies wanted. Now Mom has something from her Dad that she can wear everyday if she wants and her daughter has something from her Grandfather. It is more than just a piece of jewelry. There is a story and meaning behind it. They may be the same bullet but very different history and meaning to the person wearing them. Of course I love making fun pieces too. I like unique. I like the fact that no 2 pieces are exactly the same. I get excited when someone says they have something that they just do not know what to do with but they want to make into something they can wear or use. The creativity really flies then. It is a challenge I will always accept. The final pieces are always unique. It really is fun to see what they become.
What is your favorite item in your shop?
My favorite piece right now has to be the Unique Etched Bracelet.
It is a very different piece. I had no idea when I started it what it would even become.
>What is your best selling item in your shop?
The wrap bracelets have been a favorite. They are great for stacking.
They wear well and they are easy to dress up or to wear everyday.
Can you share any sneak peaks of items coming soon?
I am trying to add new things all the time. I am adding more essential oil jewelry.
Do you have any special promotions currently?
I will be running a free shipping on orders of $30 or more for the holidays.
Y'all. My Aunt is truly one of the most inspiring women I know. She's not kidding when she says she never stops going. She's always doing something and it amazes me. When we were together this summer (she and her family live in Illinois, we live in Georgia) I got to see just how she balances it all and it truly inspired me. I saw the process of how she makes her jewelry, I even have a few pieces of my own. It really fascinates me to see how creative business owners work so seeing her at work taught me so much. I even learned how to balance my own creative ventures with all my daily chores. Sometimes I still struggle but spending time working side by side with another creative person really inspired and motivated me. I can also say that the quality of her products really are awesome and you can always contact her if there's a problem with the piece you purchased. Like she said, she does special requests and orders, too so you can't loose with Mobsession so hop on over to her page and buy yourself a special piece of jewelry.
Christmas Shop Small {Perfectly Posh}
Friday, November 25, 2016
Hi Peachies! Happy Black Friday! If you are anything like me, you're snuggled in at home,
looking for all the best internet deals today. I've never been one to go out Black Friday shopping.
It's the day after Thanksgiving, I'm still in a food coma so instead of getting out in the cold and fighting for gifts, i'm snuggled up on the couch in my pajamas with my favorite blanket, my lap top, my Willow pup, Hallmark Christmas movies and a cup of coffee.
But today I have your Black Friday shopping covered because today is Christmas Shop Small with Kristen from Perfectly Posh so grab a cup of coffee, get cozy and join Kristen & I for some girl talk and stay tuned for a promotion.
Are you cozy now?
Hello Kristen Ali. Welcome to my blog sweet blog.
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
Hey! I am a stay at home mom with 2 little boys Ezekiel, and Levi! I have grown up in the South Dallas area of Texas but have lots of dreams of traveling the world! My husband and I are involved in Ministry and love sharing the love of Jesus to others.
What inspired you to become a part of the Perfectly Posh community and become fabulous sales lady for the company?
I actually heard of Posh through a friend, and only tried it because they had something that they recommended to help with eczema, which my son had been suffering from, so I gave it a try and fell in love! I knew that I would be a lifelong customer so figured why not at least make commission off of my own sales so I joined! From there it just grew to be something I never imagined!!
What does the Perfectly Posh company stand for and what does it mean to you?
We are huge on pampering, and the fact that YOU deserve it!! Even though some of our products can help certain conditions that is not what we are all about, we are not a pharmacy, we are a pampering company! We offer naturally based products that are all under $25, and make you feel refreshed, and rejuvenated! As a mom, to me it helps me remember that I deserve to take care of myself, and I deserve GOOD products, not just something off of the shelf full of ingredients I have no clue about. We spend so much time focusing on others, and taking care of others, but we deserve time to pamper ourselves as well!
What makes you most excited about selling Perfectly Posh?
I think the most exciting thing is just being able to share these amazing products that I have found! I get to see people se excited about their order, and taking more time for themselves! Our products are full of natural butters and essential oils, all for under $25! Thats pretty
un heard of so I like to be the one to get to tell people about it!
If you could only use product from Perfectly Posh for the rest of your life, which product would it be? Why?
Oh, that is a hard one to answer…… Well the product I first fell in love with was the Healer stick for my sons eczema, but it is also used for SO many other things, and is so versatile that I would probably choose it! I honestly can't pick just one though, I have gotten hooked on our skincare and can never go back to walmart cleansers and moisturizers now!
What is your best selling item?
My best selling item is probably our Big Fat Yummy Hand Cremes! They make perfect gifts, and are the perfect size for your purse, so they are pretty popular! They are also non greasy, and smell amazing! We have 8 different scents to pick from so we have something for everyone!
What is your favorite thing about the Perfectly Posh, as a whole?
As a whole I love the way that the company empowers us to be bold, and have fun! We seriously have a community of support from our team members and home office staff! Our company is such a fun company, and so down to earth. At the same point, our CEO and founder are involved every day; sharing tips with us, shouting us out, and challenging us to do our best. I have met them personally several times and I don’t feel like they are someone I can’t talk to, but someone who is right there with me cheering me on!
How can all our readers see all the Perfectly Posh products?
You can see all of our products at my website: http://poshykris.po.sh You can also join my VIP group on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/poshykris/ where I share all of our current sales, specials, and giveaways!
I would love to help you find the products that are best for you!
Are there any special Perfectly Posh promotions currently?
We always have a Buy 5 get 1 FREE promotion going on, so when you add 6 products to your cart the lowest priced item will be marked to $0!
This promotion does exclude our $4 lip balms, and retired items. We also have a different featured item on sale every week!
Do you host parties? If so can you tell our readers about how those work?
YES! I basically run my whole business off of parties, and past customers re ordering! I mainly do parties through Facebook, so I would set up an event on Facebook and post some things about the products, and ingredients, and then I would invite you, and you would invite your friends and family that you think would be interested! I offer free samples, do giveaways, and share about our products daily, the average party is 5 days long! You, as the host, would earn perks points (product credit) for every order placed through your party! It is lots of fun, and you have to opportunity to earn a lot of credit for products that you want! Let me know if any of you would like to host a party with me, it is FREE to host!
Y'all, I have used a few Perfectly Posh products from Kristen and loved them. The Calling All Fairies and Day To Night Moisturizer are my favorites! You can not go wrong with Perfectly Posh products so hop on over to Kristen's FB group and Perfectly Posh page and order yourself, I mean your family and friends, some Christmas gifts!
Body products,
Shop Small
November Guys Behind the Blog
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Hey Ya'll! Happy Thanksgiving. I'm sure everyone is super busy today but I wanted to take just a minute to post today's Guys Behind the Blog.
My husband & I have been having so much fun doing these Q&A sessions together.
We laugh and talk so much when we're doing these.
He's rallying to get more questions, y'all!
I'm going to make this quick today so without further ado here's our November Guys Behind the Blog Q&A session.
1.) What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish? What is your least favorite?
A: That's a really tough one because I kinda like them all.
If I had to pick one favorite I guess i'd pick the dressing.
I don't really have a least favorite.
*That's because his parents, my parents and I are all really good cooks so compliments to the chef*.
2.) What is a Thanksgiving tradition you liked growing up that you want to continue with your family? For example: Do you eat super early around 3pm or regular dinner time around 6pm? Do you watch football? Do you all go to a particular family member's house? Do you nap after the big meal?
A:We put a pound of bacon on the turkey.
Me: You did that as a child?
A: Yeah! That's how I learned it. But it can't be just any bacon.
It has to be the criss crossed pattern like on a pie.
*Ya'll, he's in charge of our turkey now and he makes it perfectly.*
And the bacon, that's a tradition his mama started when he was young so now that we're in charge of Thanksgiving he continues that tradition and I can not tell you how good our turkey is.
That bacon really just puts it over the edge on the flavor scale!
3.) What are your thoughts on Black Friday shopping? Yay or nay?
A: Stay away.
{he worked retail for years so Black Friday is a scary thing for him. I really don't get the appeal of fighting a bunch of people for things that are on sale. They'll either be on sale when I buy them or they won't. I just don't feel like getting beat up over some silly gift.}
4.) If you had it your way, would you set up your holiday decorations (Christmas tree, Hanukkah menorah, etc.) before or after Thanksgiving?
A: You know that answer. There's not a holiday decoration that goes up until I have a turkey.
*But the day after Thanksgiving we do always get our Christmas tree from our local Farmer's Table.*
Shop local y'all!
5.) What are you most thankful for this year?
A: My family. What else would I be thankful for? What more does a man need?
Then he proceeds with "that's it? Y'all need more questions!" I'm not kidding about that.
He really does want more.
Later tonight, after you're all stuffed from turkey and all the fixins, I'd love y'all to ask your significant other these questions and put the answers in the comments.
Guys Behind the Blog,
On Wednesdays We Confess
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Hi Peachies! Happy Wednesday! We're one day away from Thanksgiving y'all and I could not be happier! I'm ready for Thanksgiving morning coffee and snuggles with my sweet hubby and endless food and sweets all day long. You know what else makes me happy? On Wednesdays We Confess with my sweet friend Mistle from Sweet Tea and Hydrangeas.
This week I'm confessing...
I Confess not having to wake up to an alarm clock is the most glorious feeling in the world.
Give me all the puppy snuggles in bed, under a mountain of blankets all morning long!
I Confess I'm already making an apple pie and an oreo cheesecake for Thanksgiving but I'm worried that I won't get any pecan pie at our second Thanksgiving dinner.
Would it be wrong to make a third pie; a pecan pie so I can have it all? #caloriesdontscountonthanksgiving
I Confess tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I'm ready to bring on the stretch pants and gobble til I wobble.
I Confess I'm trying to find the Bubble & Charm line of body products that Target sells.
Our Target put it all on clearance and now it's gone. I found it on Amazon but the prices are ridiculous.
I Confess I'm feeling like a #girlboss for getting three blog posts for the week done on Sunday.
I Confess I'm obsessed with Monday's Ladies Stocking Stuffers post.
I Confess we went to my brother and sister in laws house on Saturday and my brother gave my son a ton of clothes. That made this mama of an ever growing teenage boy super happy!
I Confess I finally watched Finding Dory with my sister in law on Saturday and it was everything I thought it would be and so much more. It's my new favorite movie. #obsessed
I Confess I can't get the song "I Want A Hippopotamus for Christmas" out of my head.
I Confess I'm obsessed with Pinterest again. I've joined a couple group boards and am really loving networking this way.
I Confess I'm so ready to take the pumpkin decor down and put up my Christmas decorations.
I've already been watching Hallmark Christmas movies and listening to Kacey Musgrave's A Very Kacey Christmas album.
I Confess I'm loving my NYX Love in Paris eyeshadow palette from my Mug Swap partner.
I Confess I'm obsessed with blankets. I pretty much collect/hoard them. My new favorite is my $15 Dollar General find. I'm not too proud y'all!
I Confess Lady Gaga's new album, Joanne, is pretty much my jam lately.
I Confess i'm also obsessed with the Lady Gang podcast. Go check them out and be prepared for laughter and endless me too moments!
So those are my confessions. Share yours in the comments and have a Happy Wednesday loves!
Make Up,
Christmas Shop Small {Thirty-One}
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Hi Peachies! I'm so excited because it's Thanksgiving week. Y'all, I love this time of year so much. I love the traditions and creating new memories. I love the cozyness and togetherness. I love the food and I absolutely love the presents. By now y'all know my love of Christmas and my passion for supporting small businesses and if you've been around here a while then you know I've combined the two for a special feature called Christmas Shop Small. I've featured four lovely ladies and their small businesses. I've had Lisa with Showered With Design, Brittney with Younique, Sonseeharay with Sonday Morning Cakes & Specialty Items and Christy with Rodan + Fields. Today we're sharing some girl talk with the sweet Carolyn about her ventures with Thirty-One Gifts so grab a mug of coffee and get cozy with us.
Hey Carolyn. Welcome to my blog sweet blog. I'm so happy to have you here so we can learn about Thirty-One. Let's jump in!
What inspired you to become a part of the 31 community and become fabulous sales lady for the company?
I had never sold anything when I decided to join 31. I loved the product and was searching for some additional income to help pay for infertility treatments and adoption options when I started Thirty-One. It changed my life. Bags, Personalization and being with other woman fit my personality. I loved how they built others up with the products and being associated with the company in any role you have. They laid out every step to get me started, rewarded me for everything I accomplished and encouraged me to reach for the next step. I am blessed to be a Thirty-One Gifts Senior Director with a team of ladies that I get to return the blessings to and help them start their businesses.
What does the 31 company stand for and what does it mean to you?
The motto of the company is Celebrate, Encourage and Reward Woman. How awesome is that? It has given me a positive purpose in life. I get to associate with other positive woman in an environment that brings people together for good. Encouraging young girls and woman to be better in life is a main goal with our Thirty-One Gives Foundation.
What makes you most excited about selling 31?
The people I get to associate with. HANDS DOWN. I love my customers, hostesses, team members, and my leaders. I never imagined 7 yrs ago I would gain a world of confidence in myself and friendships of women from all over the country. I get to be a national recruiter, sales person, in serve in an upper leadership role and provide a full time income with the purchase of that $99.00 kit.
If you could only use one piece of 31 for the rest of your life, which product would it be?
Our large utility. There are so many uses I can not just name one. I use it every day. One stays in my car, in each of our closets, in the pantry, in the garage, etc etc etc
What is your best selling item?
The top 3 that come to my mind are the Lunch thermal tote, the zip top organizing utility tote and the large utility.
What is your favorite thing about the 31 products, as a whole?
The quality! We have a 90 day guarantee on all of products you purchase.
31 products are very versatile. Can you share one product and all the ways you can think of to use it?
Our Zip Top Organizing Utility Tote is a great versatile bag. I have seen them used as diaper bags, teacher bags, gym bags, traveling toiletry bags, purses, work tote, gardening tool bag, and a mobile office. The outside pockets, long handles and the zipper closure make it easy to fit any lifestyle need.
How can all our lovely readers see all the beautiful 31 products?
You can check out our current catalog, monthly specials and promotions on my website- www.bagsbycarolyn.com
Are there any special 31 promotions currently?
We run monthly customer and hostess specials. For November when you spend $35.00 you can get our large zipper pouch for 5.00 or our Zip top Utility Tote for $10.00
** As a special for the blog readers-Contact me to order and mention this blog and you will get FREE shipping **
Lastly, how can my readers get in touch with you about ordering or booking a party?
Carolyn Champion 678-697-5478 www.bagsbycarolyn.com or carolyns31gifts@yahoo.com
Ladies, I can tell y'all that Carolyn really is the sweetest. She's my personal thirty one consultant and I can't say enough nice things about her. She's incredible at what she does. I'm also in love with the thirty one brand. I have several large utility totes, that's hands down my favorite product. We use them for grocery shopping, taking food to and from get togethers, as a beach bag. You name it!! I also have this Midway Hobo that I love. Honestly I have so may thirty one bags that I'd have to do a separate blog post just to show you all of them. I'm totally down for that if you're interested.
So ladies, if you're looking for a gift for anyone on your list;
men included check out Carolyn's Thirty-One catalog.
Share in the comments below one thing off your Thirty-One wish list.
Ladies Stocking Stuffers
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Hi Peachies! Can you believe that the count down to Christmas is on? I wasn't going to post anything Christmas related until after Thanksgiving but then I realized the amount of posts I wanted to publish on my favorite holiday ever and realized that there's no better time than now to start sharing the holiday happiness.
Gift guides are some of my favorite posts because I always find the prettiest items to add to my wish list or to buy for someone else. Since my family has always started with stockings on Christmas morning, I thought I would start this gift guide off with the best ladies stocking stuffers I could find. So get ready for all the girly, pink, make up products your heart can hold. I'm sure some if it will make its way to your wish list, too.
Soap & Glory Lid Stuff//OPI Breakfast at Tiffany's Mini Set//Macaroon Bake Shop Bath Fizzers//Rose Gold USB Charger//Elora Bow Gloves//Ginger Snaps Furry Pom Beanie//Pink Cashmere Travel Set//Beauty Rush Minty Shine//Stephanie May Wilson's The Lipstick Gospel//Twisted Peppermint Mini Candle//Glittery Sprinkles Wallet//State Glitter Chip Clips//Oats & Raspberry Coffee Sleeve
Oh, y'all! It's so hard not to add every single one of these items to my shopping cart. I'm dreaming of a stocking filled with all these pretty products. So share with me, what's on your stocking stuffer wish list?!?
What I've Learned As A Newlywed.
Friday, November 18, 2016
Oh you guys, today is supposed to be my Oh Hey, Friday! post but I just need to clear my heart and mind instead. I've always said that I won't share marriage advice on my blog, I thought it was pretty lame to talk about a subject i'm not experienced in, after all, I've only been married a year and two months but my aim is to always be true to myself and my readers so I decided to share every raw and real moment with you.
Christmas Shop Small {Rodan + Fields}
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Hi Peachies! Welcome to another Christmas Shop Small feature. Today we're chatting with the always sweet, Christy from Rodan + Fields. Y'all, I had never used R+F until Christy sent me some, now i'm a believer and my wish list just grew even bigger. I mean, just look at this Enhancements Lash Holiday Set! This girl is all about lashes so this gift sounds incredible! Anyone who wants to know what to get me for Christmas; this is it!
So y'all, go grab a glass of coffee or sweet tea, snuggle in and prepare for some girl time with Christy as we learn about Rodan + Fields.
Christmas Shop Small {Sonday Morning}
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Hi Peachies! I'm glad you're back for another Christmas Shop Small feature. If you've been around a while then you know that Christmas and shopping small are two of my favorite things so I decided to combine the two and feature small shops and businesses on my blog for the holidays.
You can read Lisa from Showered With Desgin's post here & Brittney with Younique's post here. Be sure to check out their lovely boutiques for lots of amazing Christmas gifts for the special girlfriends, sisters and mothers in your life.
Today we have Sonseeharay from Sonday Morning Specialty Cakes & Items sharing some of her delicious desserts and home made body scrubs with us so let's get to her post now.
Body products,
Shop Small
Monday Coffee Talk
Monday, November 14, 2016
Hi Peachies! Happy Monday loves. I hope you're all feeling inspired and happy today. I know Mondays usually aren't our favorite days but there is something good in everyday. Today I challenge you to find what makes you happy.
Here's some stuff that's made me happy lately.
Oh, Hey Friday!
Friday, November 11, 2016
Hi Peachies! Can we all pour a glass of wine and cheers to Friday? I'm so ready for some chillaxin' and blog planning but first it's time for Oh Hey Friday! with the sweet and bubbly Karli from September Farm.
I haven't participated in this link up in so long y'all so I have some super fun things to share.
OH Hey Friday,
Shop Small,
Christmas Shop Small {Younique}
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Hi Peachies! Welcome back to another round of Christmas Shopping Small. On Tuesday I launched this collaboration but in case you missed it, i'll give you the story in a nutshell. Christmas is hands down my favorite holiday of all time. Shopping small is very near to my heart so I came up with this collaboration to feature small business owners, etsy owners and sellers of all kinds of amazing products to show them off and help them grow their businesses just in time for the holidays. This time of year we are busy being Santa's elves and shopping for our family and friends. Often times we don't think outside the box for gifts though so hopefully, through this series of posts, you'll find that perfect gift for Grandma, Mom or your best girlfriends.
On Wednesdays We Confess
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Hi Peachies! Happy day after the election. I hope you all survived and are holding up after yesterday.
It's the coldest day we've had here so far so i'm snuggled up, blogging and binge watching mindless tv and I could't be happier about that.
These days are my favorites. I crave these days to soothe my soul and recharge.
You know what else soothes my soul and makes me happy? On Wednesdays We Confess with my sweet friend Mistle from Sweet Tea and Hydrangeas.
Christmas Shop Small {Showered With Design}
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Hi Peachies! If there are two things I love it is Christmas and supporting small businesses. I have a very soft spot in my heart for supporting small businesses so this year for the holiday season I had the idea to bring my two loves together so I reached out to all my friends and some Etsy shop owners and came up with the idea to feature them on my blog between now and Christmas.
There are a range of products that will be featured and some of them are even giving away incredible discounts so be sure to stay tuned for that. I'm so excited to get this party started and to help us kick it off today is Lisa from
Showered With Design.
On Wednesdays We Confess
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Hi Peachies! I hope you are having a Happy Wednesday. I'm about to Netflix and chill all day because this head cold has me feeling under the weather so chicken noodle soup and One Tree Hill it is. Today is also one of my favorite days because it's time for On Wednesdays We Confess
with my sweet friend Mistle from Sweet Tea and Hydrangeas.
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