Hi Sweet Friends! Happy Fri-YAY! I'm so excited it's almost the weekend. My heart and soul need some serious down time at home with my sweet hubby and son. It's the first weekend all year we've not had a birthday to celebrate and while cake is nice and all, I'm hoping for a pajamas all day kinda weekend but before we get too cozy in our pajamas, I want to share my Oh Hey, Friday post with the sweetest Karli from September Farm.
Get comfy and let's talk all things Friday.
Oh Hey, Friday!
1. Fun Fact
My birthday is two days before Valentine's Day and I love it! Two reasons to celebrate love and happiness plus TWO days full of cake and all the sugary goodness! Yes Please?!
2. Good Week/Bad Week
Good Week-My hubby bought me a new Jeep on Sunday and I love it more than I ever thought I would! It's soooo awesome!
I've also got several new blogger collaborations coming this month so I'll say that this month is already amazing!
Bad Week-I learned the ugly side of blogging and entrepeneurship this week. I'm not going to get into details but I will say this; there's enough room for every single one of us to succeed. I believe in cheering each other on and creating a community where we support each other. If you can't be a part of that then I'm truly sorry. I still wish you the best.
3. Happy Mail
I had the privilege of featuring another amazing small business on the blog this week.
Look at all her pretty products.
Coffee Cozies are my jam!
4. Fave Insta Post
5. Blog Posts & Coffee
Life Lately//The Happy List-Crystal//Welcome Home Wednesday Link Party #77//On Wednesdays We Confess//Heartmade By Emily
Happy Friday Loves!

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Thanks for stopping by and leaving some love. Have a peachy day.