Hi Sweet Friends! Happy Monday! I know. I know. Why do I keep reminding you that it's Monday? Well, for good reason. Because I want Mondays to be about celebrating a new week. We're all about celebrating a new year so why not celebrate a new week and I think the best way to start that is by having a coffee date with a girlfriend so grab a cup of coffee and get cozy with me for a virtual coffee date this morning.
If you and I were on a coffee date we'd be sitting at a table at my favorite local donut shop. My order there changes frequently but I think i'd be having a white chocolate mocha and a french crueller donut. Easily my favorites and my regular "go tos".
I'd tell you...
Turning 35 has been exhausting. I finally hit a point where I'm having to listen to my body because it's been on the verge of giving out on me lately due to exhaustion. I'm learning that life will go on whether the bed gets made and the laundry gets done because, hello, let's be real-that stuff never goes anywhere.
I'm learning that the best thing I can do for myself is listen when my body is that tired and give into a day of binge watching Gilmore Girls and blogging and indulging in a little treat. It's okay. In fact, taking care of myself is my #1 goal lately because if I can't take care of me then there's no way I can take care of anyone else.
My hubby & I have gone to bed by 9 pm a couple nights in the last week and it has been glorious. Our child is a teenager and he's totally fine with mom and dad going to bed early and it's nice to know that we don't have to worry about him needing us or doing anything stupid. Plus sleep wins.
I try not to think about him being a teenager. I mean, of course I know but if I think too much about it I start to panic. He's talking about driving and joining the military and i'm over here having panic attacks because he's going into high school. If you have a little one right now hold tight to them and soak up every single moment because they really do go by so fast.
I have the sweetest friend in the entire world. She's the friend who did my make up, for free, for my wedding. In fact she even bought me all the make up and gave it to me as a gift. She is one of my people in this world. She bought me the $50 Swamp Queen palette by Tarte for my birthday. She knew I had been wanting it but would never spend that kind of money on myself. Every day since I've used it and been inspired to step out of my comfort zone and play with make up more. I'm kinda obsessed now.

For Valentine's Day I got the craving for a cheesecake so I hopped in my kitchen and whipped one up. Two actually, one was for my parents. I wanted a white chocolate one and couldn't find a suitable recipe so I pieced together a couple that I had and came up with the most delicious cheesecake you've ever tasted. My hubby & I have been enjoying it this week. Today he even said that I had outdone myself so of course i'd have to share that recipe with you. I've made it into a pin able image for our virtual coffee date.
I would tell you that I've developed a fear of the dentist and have a fear of all my teeth falling out. Ridiculous, I know but it's true. Laugh at me all you want but make me mashed potatoes when it happens please.
I have also become obsessed with InstaStories. I feel like it's more fresh than SnapChat but I'm holding on to SnapChat until all my friends convert. Come join me on the Insta side. We have all the pretty things. You can even bring your filters.
Since i've become obsessed with make up i've also become obsessed with You Tube videos so i'd ask who you who are your favorite You Tube beauty queens? I need some more to follow!
I'd also tell you that i'm into Season 4 on the Gilmore Girls and am so happy about one of the recent relationships! I hope, with everything in me, it lasts. I'm not giving away any spoilers in case you are one of the people, like me, who lived under a rock for the last 17 years and are just now catching up on GG! So friends, don't leave any spoilers in the comments. E-mail me @ lesliew21282@gmail.com if you want to talk about this.
I'm also giving up sugar next month. Not totally quitting but cutting way back. I'll still have my morning coffee and my glass of sweet tea at dinner but I feel like cutting back on sugar is going to help me feel so much better. Help me if i'm wrong!
I would tell you how proud I am of my thrifty finds. I went to a thrift shop on Friday. I used to think that thrift shops weren't my thing. Not because i'm above them but because I could never find anything in them but this one was huge and so organized. I walked away with 5 tops and a pair of jeans for $22! They were having a 50% off sale, too which sweetened the deal even more. I'll be back for their next 50% off sale.
This sparkly top is one of the ones I scored. It's a Juicy Couture I paid about $3 for.
As we left I would hug you and tell you I hope you have a lovely day! And I do! I hope you all have a lovely day!
What's something you would share with me on our coffee date?
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