Start With Intention

   I don't know about you but i'm not a morning person. At all. I immediately grab my phone and check Facebook & Instagram and lay there in bed for an extra 10 minutes while doing so. Then I stumble down stairs, power up the t.v. and lap top, make a cup of coffee and sit in a glazed over state on the couch for an hour while I watch Kelly & Michael and surf the web. Then I find myself feeling rushed  and un-settled all. day. long.

   I've decided that's no way to start off the day so I decided that today was the day I was changing that. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm still sitting here on the couch at 9:30 in the morning watching Kelly & Michael because I love them so but i've started living intentional this morning. I've already done so much that I'm not in that glazed over state of mind. I'm in a much more cheerful, clear, happier state of mind.

   My morning started off with a text message from my sister in law around 8. I grabbed my phone, looked at the message and started to check social media but decided against it. I put it back down and instead decided to pray. My mornings start off so much better when I spend that quiet time being thankful for everything i've been blessed with and praying for the health and happiness of my loved ones. After that I did make my way downstairs, turn on the t.v., power up the computer, and started a cup of coffee then I opened up the back door and fed the squirrels a handful of peanuts.

I sat down on the couch, computer in lap, Golden Girls on t.v. and instantly got a good morning message from my sweet friend Candi. I chatted with her for a minute then decided I was going to start yoga this morning. I saw a yoga challenge for the month on Instagram and decided that was the one I was going to start with. So I pulled it up on my iPad and did the challenge while watching Golden Girls. Win! Win! It's amazing how much better I feel now that i've started with those simple changes to my morning.

I'm going to stop going through the motions of life, doing just what has to be done and start being more intentional about it. I think if we all do this our days will be so much better. Happiness is a choice we all have the ability to make so go out there and Choose Happiness!!

How do you live intentionally?

For more inspiration
Follow lightandlotus.

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  1. Living with a purpose and intention is essential to a successful and effective life! Awesome post Leslie!

    1. Thank You! I believe so, too. I see too many people who are always focused on the negatives. I just hope that some of those people read this and it changes their way of thinking, too!

  2. Yay! I am so excited to see this! I am a huge cheerleader when it comes to living with intention and honey, you are on the right track. I actually wrote a post about this and I hope you find it helpful:

    There are so many ways I live intentionally & for me, the keys to achieving this are gratitude, asking the universe for what you want, and believing that the life/experience you want will be yours.

    1. I loved your post so much! You're so right. Living with intention makes all the difference in life. Mama always said "ask and you shall receive" I think she's absolutely right!! As are you, believe in yourself and it will be yours. Thank you for sharing your post with me. I'm bookmarking your blog and plan on reading it from front to back ;)

  3. Great post, given me a lot to think about. Thank you x

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet comment. I sure am glad that it's given you something to think about. You deserve happiness, peace, and balance in your life. I believe we find this by taking care of ourselves and focusing in living intentionally.

      You're so welcome!

  4. Your whole first paragraph is how my morning usually starts too! Word for word! I usually get sucked into the computer and working on the blog and somehow I watch all of Kelly & Michael and then some of Wendy WIlliams too! haha I'm working on switching up my morning routine but it's hard. I feel like so much happens while I'm sleeping and I need to catch up as soon as I wake up!!

    1. I'm glad I'm not alone in that. LOL. I feel like I've missed out on so much while I slept, too and I've got to catch up while I drink my coffee.
      :) I hope you're having a wonderful weekend!


Thanks for stopping by and leaving some love. Have a peachy day.