Hi Peachies! Welcome to my little slice of internet Heaven. It's 9:30 Monday morning & my house is still quiet. My children, both fur and human are still sleeping so i'm sitting in silence with a candle lit drinking coffee and up-loading round one of the pics i'll be bombarding Facebook with this week.
Every summer our family from Illinios comes to Georgia for a week. We count down the days and look forward to it all year long. This is the week that they're here so before I get too carried away with enjoying the week with them I thought i'd share a weekend recap wth y'all.
My son had been asking me to take him to get sushi so I obliged and took him on a sushi lunch date. This is something we usually do without my hubby because he's allergic to shellfish. While I miss my hubby when our son & I go on our sushi dates it's nice to spend that one on one time with our son. He's 13, it's not like he's going to be into sushi dates with mom forever. Soon he'll be taking girls on sushi dates. You know, real dates. My mama heart doesn't want to think about that though.
I bombed in the photo department because my son thinks it's totally inappropriate to snapchat my meal. Well, that and I was totally into soaking up every second of time with him. Don't worry, I'll be taking lots of pictures of him and with him this week though.
My hubby sweet hubby worked late Friday night so my son and I just stayed home. I was snuggled in bed blogging and catching up on The Bachelorette with my Willow girl. We're partiers around here, y'all. You just can't even hang with us. #oldpeoplestatus
The family from Illinois got here around 9:30 Saturday morning but while we were waiting on them to get here my hubby & I drank our coffee and tracked them on Facebook while my Aunt & I chatted about their drive so far and Princess Buttercup (she's 2) making up songs about Aunt Whitney's house (that's my mom).
Once I got my sleepy crew up and moving we went over to my Mom and Dad's where we spent the rest of the day hanging out at the pool and grilling out.
My sweet Willow girl swam her little heart out.
And we got Big Mama Bella up on a float where she floated around with goggles on for at least 30 minutes.
My hubby sweet hubby had to go into work again so I ran to Five Below and bought tons of pool floats
{like this adorable flamingo}
and other fun things then came home and loaded up my car and took my sweet boy and our Willow girl to play and swim again. This time though, my sweet Willow got stung by a bee or wasp again (8 times in two weeks-for anyone keeping record) so she was snoozing on my parent's couch by 2 while the rest of us just hung out because a thunderstorm rolled in. After the storm cleared everyone was outside by the pool again, enjoying the cooler temps.
So i've been awful at taking pics so far but there are still 6 days of shenanigans so look for more to come.
P.S.-If you want super cute floats, like my flamingo pictured above and you live near a Five Below consider yourself lucky. You hit the jackpot with adorable floats for $5. In blogger land we all know they make for some really fun summer pictures!