"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never have enough." Oprah
When I saw this post on the lovely Nelle Monaco's blog Simply Love it filled me with so much happiness and joy, I knew I had to jump on board. I'd never seen or thought of doing a post like this but there is always something to be thankful for so my heart jumped for joy.
The prompt is to create an acrostic poem using the world Thankful.
T- Time with my family & friends.
I'm not going to lie, since my wedding and all the events surrounding it have been over i've been missing my tribe more than ever.
I got used to having them with me. Every weekend was full of nothing but celebrations and laughter and creating memories with the
people who mean more to me than the stars in the sky. It was amazing to be filled with that much love and happiness.
The nice thing about the holidays is that same sense of togetherness. I love filling our bellies with some of the best southern
cooking ever all the while laughing and creating memories.
H- Hard times.
I know this seems like a pretty odd thing to be happy for but without the hard times we wouldn't know just how good the good times are.
We wouldn't know that everything is only temporary, this goes for the good times as well as the hard times. I think we celebrate harder
because we appreciate the happy times more. We love harder because of that, too.
A- Avacados.
Okay, y'all A is a hard one. But I'm not just thankful for Avacados. I'm thankful for all the food that I put in my body, that nourishes me.
I'm thankful that I come from a family, I married into a family, I have wonderful neighbors and friends who all are excellent cooks and keep
us fed. The kitchen is my favorite place to be because food is the center of everything. All the best gatherings happen around food.
N- New beginnings.
As the new year is approaching we get that chance to start all over, fresh. And that's something that I love.
Even though I don't believe that January is the only time you can start fresh, it just seems like we all do and that's pretty
inspiring. It's not to oearly to think about what you want to start over with in 2016.
K- Kindness.
I love being the recipent of kindness but more so, I love spreading kindness. It's amazing what a kind smile can do for a stranger,
or holding the door open for a stranger going into the store. Back in the summer I gave a bucket with some change in it to some
little league baseball players who were collecting money for a trip. It filled those boys with so much joy, they were jumping up and down
like they had just won the lottery but it filled me with happiness that they were so grateful for that bucket with change. A little kindness
goes a long way.
F- Family and Friends.
This one is a no brainer. They are all part of my tribe for some reason and i'd be lost without any one of them.
U- Unconditional Love.
Friends come and go, sometimes even your own family does but those who are most important will be there for you always.
There are no conditions to their love for you. Those people are the ones you need to squeeze a little tighter when you hug them.
Those are the ones you need to go out of your way to do for and show you love. I promise, it'll be worth it. They won't be there forever.
L- Lifetime of memories.
There wasn't anywhere else to include memories so here seemed like a good place. I'm thankful for the lifetime of memories i'm creating
with my tribe. Both in real life and my blog friends. I have thirty three years worth and counting.
So what are you thankful for this holiday season?