I'm sure you are just as ready for this day as I am. More importantly, the weekend! YAY! After today I need this weekend desperately. I have had the hardest time getting out of bed in the mornings this week. I just need more sleep. Today was an eventful end to the week, to top it off. I went to lunch with my mom, her friend Marie & Marie's granddaughter. We went to Olive Garden and I had the most delicious Shrimp Scampi Fritta. Fried shrimp=Heaven. I honestly want more now. After we left I went out to crank my car & saw my fiance had called. My car wouldn't crank so I called my Mom. I was just going to ditch my car until my finace could look at it after work but my mom was able to get it cranked which was a good thing because my fiance had to work late tonight. I followed my Mom back to her house so I could use her car to get my buddy from school in a couple hours. On the way over he called saying he was sick @ school so I got to my parent's house and took my mom's car to pick buddy up. After that we went back to my parent's house so my Dad could look at my car after work because it still wasn't cranking. He cleaned the battery terminal and all was good again. So that's been my day in a nutshell. At least all is well now and we're just relaxing at home, waiting on my love to get home.
Since it's Friday I decided to do something that i've never done before. I love September Farm Blog! She's real and hilarious and every Friday she does a Five on Friday link up. You simply tell us any five things you want. As crazy, sappy, sweet, or ridiculous as they may be. Since i'm just sitting here waiting on my love to get home I have time on my hands to participate :) YAY!
If you want to play along simply list five things and go to Karli's blog https://www.bloglovin.com/blogs/september-f-a-r-m-orby-karli-b-e-l-l-3264152, snag the button and add your link to her list on the bottom of the post.
Here are my Fri-Yay Five.
1. I found my dream wedding dress last Friday! It was the very first one I ever tried on and it was one I never would have picked for myself but the lady helping me couldn't wait to see it on someone because it's a new designer and a dress no one had even tried on before me. The dress will now be known as the "Leslie Dress" at this boutique. Honored and in love and I already want it in my closet.

2. After so many attempts and a few bumps in the road, we're finally getting engagement pictures made tomorrow and i'm soooo excited that I may not be able to sleep tonight.
3. There's only 5 days of school left until summer break. Technically the last two days are 1/2 days but they still totally count because I have to get up to take someone to school. This mama is ready for sleeping in. I don't really even know or care what the rest of the summer entails. Sleep. All. The. Sleep.
4. This picture of me and my buddy from Mother's Day is still cracking me up.

5. I've been enjoying my sweet friend, Kristen's, Facebook challenges this week in her 5-Day Clean Eating Challenge. I'm so sad that it's over now because I need that inspiration to be #sweatingforthewedding. Here are a couple challenges from this week. Sorry for the crappy grainy Ipad pics.
This one is #wackywednesday. The challenge was to do 10 squats every time you ate. Day one was easy peasy. Day two I hurt. Day three i'm determined to keep going.

And today was #showusyourguns which was a joke. I have pebbles, not guns and clearly I wasn't working out when I snapped this pic. I had just gotten home from that delicious Olive Garden lunch.
I did do my squats as I was eating a cupcake #sorrynotsorry. My son promptly told me to stop. I guess I was embarrassing him. LOL.

And just because, I have a bonus.
6. My cousin Paula posted this on Facebook saying she was going to make her husband some.

My Dad piped in saying he would take a pair of them and he's a size medium. She told him he could be her first model. My response? "Dad would wear those proudly. Dad, you just can't wear them to the wedding." He responded with "watch me." I'm scared. Very scared now. LOL. When we showed him what my fiance is wearing to the wedding, he said "okay, so a white button up with my shorts." Since we're getting married on the beach I'm okay with him wearing shorts, just not THOSE shorts. I said "okay" then it clicked that he meant THOSE shorts. I quickly said "Um, no!" and assigned my mom with the job of making sure my Dad does not wear THOSE shorts. Do I think it'll happen? No. Am I still worried? A little.
As you can see my family is a few rings shy of a full blown tent or as my fiance says "we're nuttier than peanut butter." We are but we have a good time together :)
Happy Fri-Yay y'all! Have a great weekend! I'll be back next week with engagement pics!
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