Fridaywe just stayed home and ordered Chinese Food. It was a perfect, lazy evening.
Saturdaywe had planned to stay home and stain our porches & hammock stand and do some planting. It's June and we don't have a garden. Fail! Every weekend we plan on doing these things we either have a zillion and one places to go or it rains. This weekend, guess what? Rain! We decided though, that we'd spend the day registering for wedding gifts. After 7 hours and 3 stores later, we're all registered!
I've never met people who are as nice as the ones who have helped me every step of the way in my wedding planning. The ladies helping us register were no exception.
Rabekah @ Bed, Bath & Beyond was fabulous. She was supposed to be getting off work when we showed up. She could have easily told us that her shift was over and could we come back but she didn't. She stayed with us for 3 hours and let us scan away, answering any questions we had and giving us a wealth of knowledge on everything from pillows to towels to kitchen gadgets. We didn't feel rushed by her at all. I'll definitely be taking her some kind of treat after this is all said and done because she was fabulous.
Next up was Mrs. Sidney at Macy's. We kind got thrown on her because, when we walked up to register, the lady we found's shift was over. She wasn't like Rabekah, she was so gone. She helped us set up the scanner and introduced us to Mrs. Sidney. We scanned happy again and when we were done we found Mrs. Sidney and she helped us out. At first she was a little ill, not with us or at us, but at the fact that the other lady left in a rush and didn't give us the special Bridal Folder full of goodies and that the scanner died on us and there wasn't a back up handy or any batteries but she handled it all like a classy, sweet lady. We sat and talked to her for a while, she was asking about our wedding. I told her that nothing really mattered because at the end of the day I would be marrying my best friend with our closest family and friends by our side. She smiled and said "I would have been married for 50 years on the 4th of July. My husband passed away in 2013. You said something important, you're marrying you're best friend. Make sure you always stay best friends. Always communicate & talk to each other." I teared up at this lady, whom we'd just met's, touching words of advice. It's something i'll always treasure. I'll always remember that day with a happiness in my heart. I asked for her number because if I have any problems or questions she's the one i'll be calling.

Sunday was grocery shopping day so after we got ready we headed to the store in my car. When we got to the store my love noticed my tire was leaking so we got back in the car and drove home so he could put more air in my tire. Once we got home, upon further inspection, he noticed there was a nail in it. We spent the next hour or so getting that patched up and ready to go then it was grocery shopping time. Nothing fancy or exciting but it was fun to be together. I'm so lucky to be marrying someone who makes even the most mundane things fun.
I did get to use my new 31 large utility totes for grocery shopping.

Then we headed to mom and dad's for the afternoon. My honey helped my dad change the blades on his lawnmower. When we were done we came home, took a nap, then fixed dinner together :) Then we ended the night by standing outside talking to our wonderful neighbors.
So that's our weekend! I hope you all had a wonderful one, too.
Happy Monday, Loves!