
Hi Y'all. Welcome to another Monday. Our weekend was a whirlwind, it seemed, but it was a very productive one.

Fridaywe just stayed home and ordered Chinese Food. It was a perfect, lazy evening.

Saturdaywe had planned to stay home and stain our porches & hammock stand and do some planting. It's June and we don't have a garden. Fail! Every weekend we plan on doing these things we either have a zillion and one places to go or it rains. This weekend, guess what? Rain! We decided though, that we'd spend the day registering for wedding gifts. After 7 hours and 3 stores later, we're all registered!

I've never met people who are as nice as the ones who have helped me every step of the way in my wedding planning. The ladies helping us register were no exception.

Rabekah @ Bed, Bath & Beyond was fabulous. She was supposed to be getting off work when we showed up. She could have easily told us that her shift was over and could we come back but she didn't. She stayed with us for 3 hours and let us scan away, answering any questions we had and giving us a wealth of knowledge on everything from pillows to towels to kitchen gadgets. We didn't feel rushed by her at all. I'll definitely be taking her some kind of treat after this is all said and done because she was fabulous.

Next up was Mrs. Sidney at Macy's. We kind got thrown on her because, when we walked up to register, the lady we found's shift was over. She wasn't like Rabekah, she was so gone. She helped us set up the scanner and introduced us to Mrs. Sidney. We scanned happy again and when we were done we found Mrs. Sidney and she helped us out. At first she was a little ill, not with us or at us, but at the fact that the other lady left in a rush and didn't give us the special Bridal Folder full of goodies and that the scanner died on us and there wasn't a back up handy or any batteries but she handled it all like a classy, sweet lady. We sat and talked to her for a while, she was asking about our wedding. I told her that nothing really mattered because at the end of the day I would be marrying my best friend with our closest family and friends by our side. She smiled and said "I would have been married for 50 years on the 4th of July. My husband passed away in 2013. You said something important, you're marrying you're best friend. Make sure you always stay best friends. Always communicate & talk to each other." I teared up at this lady, whom we'd just met's, touching words of advice. It's something i'll always treasure. I'll always remember that day with a happiness in my heart. I asked for her number because if I have any problems or questions she's the one i'll be calling.

Sunday was grocery shopping day so after we got ready we headed to the store in my car. When we got to the store my love noticed my tire was leaking so we got back in the car and drove home so he could put more air in my tire. Once we got home, upon further inspection, he noticed there was a nail in it. We spent the next hour or so getting that patched up and ready to go then it was grocery shopping time. Nothing fancy or exciting but it was fun to be together. I'm so lucky to be marrying someone who makes even the most mundane things fun.

I did get to use my new 31 large utility totes for grocery shopping.

Then we headed to mom and dad's for the afternoon. My honey helped my dad change the blades on his lawnmower. When we were done we came home, took a nap, then fixed dinner together :) Then we ended the night by standing outside talking to our wonderful neighbors.

So that's our weekend! I hope you all had a wonderful one, too.

Happy Monday, Loves!

History Was Made

Today history was made. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled same sex marriage is now legal in all 50 states! That's pretty epic. I've always supported all of my friends because love is love and everyone deserves to be happy. As I embark on the next chapter of my life with the love of my life I find it freeing & refreshing that everyone else can do the same. My own family & friends won't have to go out of state to get married now. That's amazing! In a time when our world seems torn apart by racism it's nice to see us come together for = rights. Of course there will be haters. Haters gonna hate but that's life. Forget hate! Celebrate who you are, celebrate happiness & love.

^That was what I wrote on my Instagram this morning minutes after hearing the breaking news announcement interrupt The Doctors. I wasn't really paying attention to the show. Kelly & Michael had just gone off the air and I was sitting on the couch, drinking my coffee, planning my dream home on the web site I just discovered called Bo & Dot (addicting if you've never visited). Needless to say I was in a fog, waiting on my morning coffee to kick in. When the breaking news story started I almost flipped the channel, figuring it was another Obama speech & I'd catch up on it later but before I had time to grab the remote David Muir stated that same sex marriage had been legalized in all 50 states! My first thought was instant happiness for some of my friends and family members. I waited patiently on Facebook for one of them to break the news but it felt like it took forever! Finally, when one of them did my reaction to him was "you're who I thought of first" because it was true! What a glorious day, of course there will be people who are going to rain on this parade like the negative haters they are. Of course, some of these people are my own family & friends. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion & they'll state it no matter what but today all i'm going to say to those people is this, if you're busy judging people you have no room to love them. If you're judging them then you're just as big of a sinner as they are. And mostly, if you're picking and choosing whom to be friends with and whom to love based on whom they love then man, you're missing out on some amazing people and opportunities.


Hi Y'all! Welcome back. Since today is Tuesday I decided that i'd finally do my weekend re-cap. Better late than never, they say. Last week our family form Illinois was here so I was MIA all week. Then the weekend was spent grocery shopping and celebrating all the wonderful Dads in our lives.
Monday was my day to relax and get my thoughts back in order. I was wiped out. I slept in until 9:30 and didn't get out of bed until 10 when I stumbled downstairs and turned on the keurig, made a cup of coffee then proceeded to sit on the couch in my pajamas and watch The Holiday until 1. Then I decided I better get my sloppy act together before my fiance got home and figured out I'd been a bum all. day. long. Not that he cares, in fact when I told him he said "good, you needed to rest." I got my act together and went to my parent's house to see them and my Grandma. She just had back surgery last Monday and is at their house recovering. She's doing amazing, in fact, i'm blown away by her. I ended up sitting on their couch, talking to my Mom and Grandma and loving on the sweet doggies for most of the day. I did do the dishes for my mom and help mom change the sheets on grandma's bed then I came home and cooked dinner for my loves. After dinner my honey & I watched Chappie and I don't know if I was being extra emotional or what but a movie about a robot made me cry. It was sad the way he was treated by this group of thugs. Chappie became human like and had feelings, too. I won't give away anything because I can't stand when people do that to me but if you've seen it tell me if it was really that sad or was I being extra emotional.

On to the weekend.

Friday morning the family from Illinois left early so we didn't get to see them again :( We said our good-byes Thursday night. This time they weren't as sad as usual because we'll be seeing my Aunt & Uncle in September at our wedding. We won't see the kiddos though so that was sad. Friday my buddy and I spent most of the day at home. I had to catch up on cleaning and laundry & our buddy did a little summer job for our neighbor. He helped him take the seat out of the truck and re-cover it. Around 4 we got cleaned up and went to Target, Five Below, Hobby Lobby, & the post office (to mail off the wedding invites). My honey had to work late so while I was waiting on him I was watching Whose Line Is It Anyway? and started making jewelry, which turned into a bust.

My poor honey was exhausted when he got home so he snoozed in his chair while I cruised the internet and wrapped up my 31 party. I'm so excited about all the wonderful items I'm getting from my 31 party. I got over $200 worth of things for $72. One bag i'm getting, alone, is an $80 bag. Woo Hoo! I'll be styling on my up-coming beach trip for the wedding/honeymoon.

Saturday my honey had to work again but it was okay. I spent the morning making jewelry.

I had plans to meet my sister in law, brother, and best friend at the mall at 2:30 so us girls could shop for bridesmaids dresses. My brother and Sister in law called me earlier and we made plans to meet up and eat lunch first, so we did. It was nice to spend time with just my brother and sister in law. We never do that but I think it's something we should start doing more. After a couple hours of shopping and talking we found THE dresses at Macy's & I love them. They look pretty on both of my girls, we've just got to get my Aunt up there to get hers now. I wanted to take some selfies, I was kidding around but everyone jumped in. Except my brother, we had to coax him.

My son left from there to go home with his Aunt & Uncle to spend the night and my honey called as I was getting in the car to tell me he was already home. I went to meet him at the house then we jumped in the car and went to see him parents. We ended up spending 3 hours watching Family Feud with them, it was so much fun. We decided around 8 that we needed to go do our grocery shopping and eat dinner. We wound up at our favorite mexican restaurant for dinner and drinks then ran to do our grocery shopping. We found out grocery shopping at 9 at night is the prime time to go. It wasn't scorching hot loading and un-loading the car and the store wasn't packed at all.

Sunday was Father's Day of course, so my honey slept in then when he got up I made him coffee and we spent the morning watching Golden Girls. We got showers and went to see my honey's Dad first. We spent a couple hours with his Mom & Dad and had so much fun. Then it was on to my parent's house for cooking out and swimming. My Dad and honey made the best porkchops with Jack Daniel's sauce and my Mom made everything else. It was amazing, as always. After dinner My Mom, Dad, our son, my honey and I swam and played monkey in the middle in the pool. We even made 2 out of 3 dogs get in and swim with us. We never make Minnie Mouse, she'd be scarred for life but Bella and Drago like to swim.

I'd say Father's Day and our weekend was a huge success and tons of fun! I hope you all had an amazing weekend, too.

Friday Five.

Hey Y'all! We can all breathe a sigh of relief because we've made it through another week.

That also means I've decided to join in September Farm's link up called oh hey, friday!

You can join or just check out her fabulous blog. If you do you should read it from start to finish, you're sure to laugh, smile, and nod in agreeance the whole way through. She's a bubbly, gem of a person & that's just what I know from her blog. She keeps life real.

How does this link up work?

1. Well first off you list 5 things. They can be as random as you want or all about one subject, there are no real rules here.
2. You link up your post at the bottom of hers, not mine. I'm not that fancy.
3. Then you grab the button, from her page. Remember i'm not that fancy & add it to yours.
4. Then you spread the word about your blog, her blog, and everyone else's you want.
(I added that part-duh!)

So here's my randomness.

1. Wedding invites. Oh the wedding invites. They're amazing, gorgeous, one of a kind since we (my mom and I) designed them ourselves. After two weeks they're almost ready to go in the mail. Tomorrow. Even if I have to stay up until 2 a.m. to finish them. My lovely fiance suggested I quit working on them at 9 p.m. last night with the promise that he'll help me tonight. I'm excited that they're almost done.

2. My Memama fell last Saturday and has been in the hospital since. She broke her shoulder and her arm in two places. She's had surgery on both and has an external hardware device on her arm. She's a tough cookie though, she's not letting on just how much pain she's in. Even yesterday when they drained her wounds and changed the bandages. She'll be in the hospital until at least Sunday then physical therapy. She needs all the prayers she can get right now.

3. I tried the new Starbucks Cupcake Frappe yesterday. It was okay. It was really sweet and I love sweet but this was a bit much for me. Today i'm feeling the effects from all the sugar. Blah!

4. I saw the pretties rainbow evening before last. Rainbows are magical and breath taking to me. They're not something we see often but they're a reminder of hope and promises. Without the rain there would be no rainbows.

5. And since some Fridays I do a Foodie Friday post. Here's my favorite recipe from the last couple weeks. It was a hit with my family!

Apple Mango Chicken Recipe

Apple Mango Salsa Recipe Adapted From All Recipes
1½ cups apple juice, divided
1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon fresh garlic, minced
1 teaspoon onion, diced
â…› teaspoon black pepper
½ teaspoon sea salt
14 oz Gold'n Plump® Extra Tender™ Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Tenders
Salsa Dressing:
¼ cup zesty italian dressing
¼ cup fresh squeezed lime juice
1 tablespoon orange juice concentrate
½ teaspoon sea salt
½ teaspoon black pepper
½ teaspoon fresh garlic, minced
Apple Mango Salsa:
1 green apple, cubed
1 mango, cubed
¼ cup onion, diced
¼ cup cilantro, chopped
1 red bell pepper, chopped
Stir 1 cup apple juice, honey, onions, fresh garlic, black pepper and salt in a sauté pan.
Add the frozen chicken to the pan, put the lid on and bring the liquid to a boil over medium high heat.
Once it starts to boil, turn heat to low and continue cooking with the lid on.
After about 5 minutes, separate the once frozen chicken tenders.
Simmer over low heat, with the lid on, for an additional 15 minutes, turning the chicken occasionally.
Add ½ cup of apple juice and continue simmering for another 15 minutes on low or until full cooked, turning the chicken occasionally.
Salsa Dressing:
Whisk together lime juice, Italian dressing, orange juice concentrate, fresh garlic, salt and black pepper.
Apple Mango Salsa:
Combine green apple, mango, red bell pepper, onions, and cilantro in a bowl.
Pour the dressing over the salsa ingredients and stir to coat.
Serve the chicken tenders on a bed of rice topped with the apple mango salsa

So that's my week in a nut shell. Now we sit and wait for our Illinois family to get here early in the morning! We've got a fun week ahead!!
I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

Wedding Wednesday.

Hey Y'all! Welcome back! It's Wedding Wednesday and since i've not been posting about this subject like I planned, there's a lot to share. About a month and a half ago I finally went to try on wedding dresses for the first time. One Thursday night I hopped on theknot.com, looked up local boutiques, none of which are in my county, called the first one I found and booked an appointment for the very next morning. I was absolutely shocked because I thought that it would take a week or more to book an appointment. Since it was for 11 a.m. on Friday I couldn't take any of me bridesmaids with me because they were at work. Luckily my Mom & Grandma were available and more than happy to go with me. I didn't really plan on finding "the dress" this day since it was my first time so I didn't feel too bad about not having my girls with me. I figured I'd try some on, get an idea of what I liked and take them back with me the next day or weekend. Only it didn't work out that way.

I had a really good idea of what I wanted in a dress and had even spent an hour (a whole hour!) the night before looking on line and snapping pics on my iPad of dresses I liked. They were all the same shape (I can't tell you too much because the Mr. will read this and he doesn't want to know anything about the dress) even still, I wasn't 100% sure what I would fall in love with because it depended on what looked good on me. When we went to the Bridal Shop the next morning I showed my lovely consultant all the pics I had saved and even said to her "i'm open to trying on anything because I just don't know." She listened to me and helped me pick out dresses based on what I had shown her but there was one that she wanted me to try on because, in her words "this is a brand new dress, by a brand new designer & I just want to see it on someone. You don't have to love it and you don't have to get it but will you just try it on?" Of course I obliged because it was the polite thing to do & I was open to anything + the dress was gorgeous.

I tried on her recommendation first because I really was drawn to it even though I'd never have picked it out on my own. After that one I tried on about 6 more dresses. Some were maybes while others were flat out nos. What I loved about my consultant is that she was 100% honest with me. She was in the dressing room with me, helping me navigate my way in and out of those massive, sparkly dresses so she saw me before my Mom and Grandma did. The dresses that were nos were ones we both agreed on. I'd scrunch my nose and say "it's pretty" and she'd finish with "but it's a no." I showed every dress to my Grandma and my Mom while it was on me and they'd both say no, too. The maybe's (there were two) were all in agreeance, too. My crew is so easy and knows me so well. Once we got to the last dress, as i'm standing in front of the mirror and one that clearly was a no, Felicia, my consultant said "I think we know which one it is." Felicia already knew me so well! I asked to try it on again and of course she obliged. As I put it on, everything in me said this is it. I walked back out to the main area and stood in front of the mirrors as everyone oohhed and aahhed, it was then I started to cry tears of happiness. My Grandma hugged me and everything in me was happier than I've ever been. That was it! I found my dream dress, that I didn't even know was my dream dress.

With that being said here's what I learned about trying on wedding dresses.

1. Take whomever you want to share the experience with you from the very first time you go.
2. Spend some time looking at dresses that you like. You'll find a style you like, most likely.
3. Go to the Bridal Boutique's web site and see what brands they carry then look on that designer's
website. Take pics on your phone, iPad or print them out to take to your consultant so she'll
have a good idea of what you're looking for. She'll be appreciative and it'll make the process
so much smoother.
4. Keep an open mind. If I hadn't I wouldn't have found my dream dress.
5. Know that you might not find your dress the first time. I have a friend who
had 3 dresses before she got married.
6. Just because a boutique offers cookies and punch doesn't mean they're the best.
My boutique didn't and they're the bomb.
7. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
8. Know that some boutiques don't do in store altering.
Again, mine doesn't. My dress comes straight from the factory so yes, it might take
longer but it's worth it in the long run. If it's important to you that your dress is
altered in store then ask it's important to know and ask before making the purchase.

And in other wedding news...

My Mom, Dad, Fiance, Son and I have been working hard on getting out invites made. Yes, we're hand making them! I'm so excited about them.

And i'll leave you with a few pictures from a friend's wedding we attended last weekend.

My handsome honey & I

Spread Some Cheer.

You know those days when you feel ragged and awful? The days when maybe you've not been the best person you can be and you aren't feeling very happy with yourself? We've all been there. For me that day was yesterday. It was the first day in over a week I've had at home so I woke up @ 9 and let my buddy sleep until noon. I cleaned & blogged while he slept but by the time he woke up I was hungry so I suggested we go get something to eat and we both agreed that Taco Bell sounded good, so off we went. He in his pajamas and me in under armour shorts and a tank. My hair was washed and dried but that was it, I wasn't sporting any make-up either because we didn't intend on getting out of the car. Once we got to the drive through there was a big confusion about what we wanted to eat because they no longer offer what Dylan gets so after a few minutes of back and forth I gave up and told the lady taking our order never mind. She was so understanding and kind. I admit that this was the point when I went from okay to slightly crazy. I was hungry and since my kid didn't change clothes I felt like we couldn't go inside. Truth be told we could have but I was being a little vain and worrying about what others would think of me, of us, if we went inside like that.
I may have been a little hangry but I was frustrated that my child didn't change clothes and he didn't know what he wanted. When I asked if he wanted anything else he said he didn't know and it was up to me. As I drove home in a fury of frustration I started to come to my senses and realize it was really okay. I stopped by the house and made Dylan change clothes then off to the mall to eat at the food court so we could each choose whatever we wanted, since obviously it was different things. I felt so guilty for loosing my cool over something to trivial the whole time though.
When we got to the mall Dylan asked if he could go to Game Stop to look, I said sure and while we were there I wanted to go to Ulta. It ended up being a blessing in disguise because the cashier at Ulta turned my whole day around. I'm standing there in my Under Armour shorts, tank top, flip flops, no make-up on, and my hair not fixed but all she noticed is that I was happy and bubbly. She said "you're so happy and bubbly." She even turned to Dylan and asked "is she always this happy and bubbly?" He responded by shrugging his shoulders and smiling, which could've been worse considering the way the trip started out.
We finished our day by getting lunch and going to Game Stop where my son wanted a Steam gift card (it's used for on line gaming) but he didn't have his wallet with him. Of course I gave him the $ for the gift card because he is the most awesome kid in the world and he rarely asks for anything + he puts up with my crazy hormonal mood swings (sometimes known as hangry). I left the mall in a much better mood than I entered in and I owe it all to the friendly, bubbly Ulta cashier. If I could I would kiss that woman on the cheek but since that's kinda weird I won't. She'll never know just how much she changed me yesterday but I can take that experience and share it in hopes that someone out there remembers this and goes above and beyond to be friendly to the woman or man who seems extra grumpy. Maybe they're going through something and need an extra smile or a little bit of cheer in their day.

We can all do that. We can all smile a little more and be a little more cheerful. We can do something nice for someone else because, somedays, we need someone to do that for us. s

Celebrating my Best Friend.

She's the peanut butter to my jelly.
The icing to my cupcake.
The maid to my Bride.

Missy-I'd be lost without you!

You could count our friendship in the trips we've taken to our favorite mexican restaurant.
Nights dancing and drinking & sometimes taking a wrong turn along the way.
Adventures, so many adventures.
Day trips to corn mazes and pumpkin patches.
Guys we've dated and hearts broken.
A Beach trip together.
Laughter shared.
And tears cried.

We met through a mutual friend in high school and though our lives have changed in the last 15 years we've only gotten closer.
There are times we go without seeing each other but we always pick up right where we left off.
We have many stories and memories together and we'll have many many more because...

She's my sister from another mister.
The Lucy to my Ethel (because yes, our lives ARE like that when we're together).

I have no doubt that this girl will be beside me in life through thick and thin.

I'm glad to celebrate #NationalBestFriendsDay with her.

Bravery and Courage.

Okay, I am about tired of hearing about the Caitlyn Jenner story but more than actually hearing about it, i'm tired of people's negative, one sided assessments of it. Everyone has an opinion, that much is true and everyone will share their opinions whether you ask them too or not. It seems to me that people often judge what they simply do not understand or what doesn't agree with their own beliefs. If you do that aren't you just as bad as the person you are criticizing, especially if you're coming at it from a religious stand point?

What defines courageous or brave to you?
The dictionary defines them this way:

the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery.


adjective, braver, bravest.
possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance.
making a fine appearance.
Archaic. excellent; fine; admirable.

Based on those definitions we can say that a person who stands up & speaks out for what they feel is a subject they might be belittled or berated for is indeed Brave and since brave ties in with courage, they're courageous, too. Courage's definition simply states that it's "the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear" and ends in the word bravery. The definition of brave is "possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance. Admirable." Can't we agree that standing up for something you know the majority of the world won't agree with or understand is indeed brave? It takes courage to stand up and allow yourself the vulnerability of being scrutinized no matter what the subject is.

I feel like comparing her to a soldier is completely irrelevant because those are two totally different sides of the spectrum. Soldiers are brave because they go out and combat the enemies to serve and protect the people of America. Soldiers are the tough guys and they go through hell and back, usually. A person dealing with their own inner feelings are fighting a war on a much smaller scale. The hell they go through day in and day out is within themselves and once they combat that inner hell then they are able to fight on a much larger playing field. They are able to speak out to the rest of the world and share their story in hopes that they can save one person's life. I think there's courage and bravery on both sides of that.

We've all had to face times in our lives when we had to be brave and courageous. Maybe it was in 3rd grade when you had to do your very first big class presentation, maybe it was the time you had to tell your parents you messed up and did something wrong when you were a teenager, maybe it was when you had to sing out loud in a college class as part of a presentation, maybe it was simply getting up the nerve to ask that pretty girl out on a date. Whatever the case may be, we've all had to be brave at one point or another in our lives. No it wasn't worthy of a magazine cover and no it wasn't all over the headlines but we've all been there. So before you point your finger at anyone else you better make sure you are 100% perfect yourself and you're not. I'm not. None of us are. Shocker, I know! So let's all stop judging each other because when we're judging others we have no time to love them.

The fact that Bruce Jenner finally is being true to himself (if you watched the Diane Sawyer special you'd know that he's been dealing with this since he was 9 years old. Imagine a lifetime of hiding who you really are) doesn't affect the majority of people in any other way than giving them the next big subject to talk about and scrutinize but maybe he's changing someone's life in a way that you don't know about. Maybe he's helping someone else become their own person by giving them a face to relate to in this storm of his life after all "it takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." E.E. Cummings. I feel that's especially true in a world where we're still not as accepting as we should be about things like this. People are quick to throw religion into the mix in times like these which saddens me. Someone posted on someone else's Facebook wall "My God doesn't make mistakes" in regards that he made Bruce a man and he should stay that way. To that I say you're right My God doesn't make mistakes. He made every person the way they are for a reason, a reason that maybe only he understands but that's not for us to judge. If you want to get all religious then that's your prerogative but man you're missing out on some incredible people in this beautiful life and you're still a sinner, just like the rest of us.

This weekend I challenge you every time you judge someone (we all do) to immediately find something positive about the exact thing you just judged. It'll start to change your life.

Just a few Randoms.

Hey Y'all! I'm still here! I'm alive! I'm just having a hard time getting into a summer routine. We're sleeping in until 9, then waking up, cleaning house and out the door to enjoy the day. It's been a glorious summer so far, even with all the rain.

Just to catch you up with my life lately here are a few random things.

1. Memorial Day weekend we had two cook outs. I'm still feeling the effects from them, I think. I ate entirely too much and have since had a hard time trying to think of anything that sounds remotely good.

2. Summer colds are way worse than winter colds. I've had one due to allergies since Thursday night. It hit me like a ton of bricks when my throat was on fire and I couldn't sleep. I've since pumped Orange Juice, Honey, Mucinex and the occasional antibiotic into my system and am feeling much better.

3. I have this green thumb blooming now and I can't wait to plant our garden and all kinds of pretty flowers. I'm in love with my Cherry Tree that my loves bought me for Mother's Day this year & my Peonies that my Mom bought me for Mother's Day last year.

4. My back porch is my favorite place in the world right now. Our back yard is feeling more homey every day + there's an adorable squirrel who thinks my porch is the place to be since I give her peanuts.

5. I got to see a Unicorn on Saturday. And pet her and feed her.

6. I also found a bag of nothing but the marshmallows from Lucky Charms. As my friend Jessica said, I found the end of the rainbow.

7. I'm still in love with our engagement pictures and i'm dying to share pics of my wedding dress but I can't.

8. I love fresh produce and am loving that I can buy good stuff this time of year. I'm hoping the rain holds off so we can go to the fresh market that always happens in town on Wednesdays.

9. I love my new burlap wreath, i'm just having a hard time feeling like it's complete.

10. My blog is currently under construction. I know what I want it to look like, i'm just having a hard time finding time to complete it.

So that's my 10 randoms now. What's going on in your little corner of the world?