"The best thing about dogs is that you can act like something really great just happened and they'll instantly start celebrating with you."
This girl is my life long party partner. She's my morning snuggling, wet kisses, yoga partner, Jeep riding co-pilot. We share pizza and snuggles and secrets. She even has a special chair in my office. After all, she is the Willow behind Peaches & Willow.
If you follow me on Instagram or are my Facebook friend then you know how much this fur baby means to me because she's always in my InstaStories and even has her own album on Facebook. She's more than a dog to me and my family, she's our best friend and our other child. Our son even calls her Willow Sis or Puppy Sis. To say she's spoiled is an understatement. She gets special treats from her Mimi, regular visits to the pet store to pick out treats and toys, almost daily car rides and even her own kid's meals at Chick-fil-A sometimes and she gets her own stocking and presents at Christmas.
It's easy to see that she's spoiled and loved but did you know that she improves my families health, too?
Aside from all these things there are even more reasons why dogs are the best friend you'll ever have.
1. They're always ready for an adventure
2. They're always good for a smile or a laugh
3. They're good protectors
4. They're great bed buddies when you're sick
5. Sometimes they remind you to stop and smell the roses (or whatever flowers you come upon)
6. They're really good at helping you plan....
7. And do yoga
But mostly because They're the only beings who love you more than they love themselves
If you're looking to adopt a sweet fur-ever friend of your own be sure to check out puppyspot and their puppies for sale page.
How To Have An Inspired and Productive Week
Friday, July 28, 2017
I don't know about y'all but I have a love/hate relationship with Sundays. There's nothing more than I love than a Sunday spent at home because it gives me the chance to get things ready and in order for the week ahead but when I don't spend time doing that I always feel panicked and completely grumpy at the end of the day.
I used to spend Sundays just doing whatever I felt like doing. Sometimes it was family dinners, sometimes it was napping between cleaning and doing chores and other times it was spending all day in pajamas, snuggled on the couch. Those are all lovely ways to spend any day but I've learned that it's also important to spend time preparing for the week ahead. That's why I want to share with you the things I do on Sunday for a productive week because I believe Sundays should be for family time and being cozy but I also believe Sundays should be setting yourself up for your best week possible. So here are my tips how to have an inspired and productive week.
1. Grab A Cup Of Coffee And Your Planner
Nothing is more important than planning your week out. I like to decorate my planner with bright stickers and washi tape because it makes it so much more enjoyable to look at my "to dos" when they're written out pretty but that part is totally a personal thing. You don't have to do it but do take time to write the important dates and to dos down.
2. Meal Plan & Grocery Shop
Typically, I like to do this on Saturday so that Sunday can be totally dedicated to planning and preparing. I know going to the grocery store and putting all those groceries away is a half day event for us but if grocery shopping on Saturday isn't do able for you, then Sunday is a perfectly acceptable day to get it done.
3. Clean Out the Refrigerator
Our trash runs Monday mornings so I always clean ours out on Sundays. Even if your trash doesn't come on Monday make it a habit to clean your refrigerator out on Sundays because you make room for all the food you buy and you can eliminate boxes upon boxes of leftovers from the previous week and make room for this week's.
4. Write Down Goals for the Week
This is a lifesaver, y'all. I used to make a daily "to do" list every morning when I was having my coffee. Sometimes I still do that but I also set 5 weekly goals now that I really want to tackle.
Last week's goals were:
+ Live with Grace
+ Do yoga 4xs that week
+ Wake up at 7 a.m. M-F
+ Block Schedule
+ Return Blog and Instagram comments by the next day
So you can see how those differ from daily "to dos." My goals are usually more specific, where as daily "to dos" are things that need to be done almost every day. Things like fold laundry, sweep, run errands, etc.
5. Prepare Clothes
Since I stay at home this doesn't apply to me as much as it does my husband. He wears business casual attire to work so it helps both of us if I get it washed, dried, folded and hung in our closet for him. He usually matches outfits and hangs them appropriately so that he's not fumbling around in the closet half asleep trying to put together outfits.
6. Wash Bed Linens
I'm not sure there's anything better in the world than snuggling into a fresh bed at night with my hubby but because we have a cat and a dog that sleep with us our sheets get washed on the regular. Sundays are my favorite days to wash our sheets weekly. Our comforter gets washed once a month unless needed more often. Fresh sheets help me fall asleep and that's so needed on Sundays.
7. Clean Out Your Car
If you are anything like me then it looks like you've been living out of your car. Moving will do that to you but you don't want that mess to pile up so take time to clean out anything that's in there that doesn't belong and make room for new stuff.
8. Clean Out Your Purse/Bag
Same concept as cleaning out your car except your purse/bag is probably full of receipts, gum wrappers and shopping lists. Get rid of any trash and organize receipts and coupons you want to keep.
9. Un-Wind
Having a ritual to un-wind really helps set the mood for the week ahead. My husband and I are Walking Dead/Fear the Walking Dead fans so during show seasons it's our ritual to relax. Every Sunday night at 9, we're glued to the t.v. with our phones off. During the off season we still snuggle up on the couch and watch something on t.v.
10. Self Care
This is a huge one for me because I'm a believer in taking care of myself first so I enjoy a good facial with the works. I start by taking my make up off, then washing my face, doing a peel, and using a moisturizer.
I'd love to hear your favorite tips on having an inspired and productive week.
Welcome Home Wednesday Linky Party #101
Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Welcome to Welcome Home Wednesdays number 101!!! I absolutely adore looking through your projects every single week and this week is no exception! We've been hanging out with y'all and sharing and loving all the goodies shared here!! Thank you ALL for coming back week after week!! We APPRECIATE y'all!!
Let's get started! Each week our little party gets even bigger... and we're so glad you're here to party with us! So bring your friends and link up something awesome... we love to see your amazing work around here! Don't forget to leave us a comment to let us know you stopped by and we'll do the same when we visit your link! The party will start each Wednesday at 7am CST... and we'll be here bright eyed, bushy tailed and ready to party! Stop by and share your fabulous posts... we would love to read them and share them with our friends!
Meet your Fabulous Hosts!
Happily Ever After, Etc. @ Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | InstagramFive Kids, a Dog & a Blog @ Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Instagram
Suburban Simplicity @ Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Instagram
Peaches & Willow @ Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Instagram
The Spotlight! That's right... Features!
These people were extra cool last week... so we're featuring them this week! That means they get a little time in the spotlight...and a cameo on our social media accounts (if you've ever wanted to hangout on my facebook page this is your chance!) Sounds awesome huh?! For your chance to be featured make sure to follow all of your hosts on social media... and leave us a little note so we know you're following!! Just pop over and leave a comment on Facebook (or Twitter, or Instagram... whichever one is your jam!) We look at every single link so we don't miss a beat!
The Rules are there ain't no Rules!
We ain't your Mama... so we don't have a strict rules list. View this more as party etiquette!1. Be kind! Read and comment on your fellow party goers links!
2. We like to think we're super fancy... we want our guests to feel fancy too so no link-party or affiliate links please!
3. If you want to be featured please follow your hosts on social media... then link back to the party with a text link... or our fabulous button!
4. Link to a specific post... not your home page! We want to see what you've been up to this week!
5. Our mama's taught us to share... that includes the limelight! No more than 3 links per person please!
6. That's it! Have fun and link up your best stuff! We can't wait to see it!
7. Please note that by sharing at Welcome Home Wednesdays, you are giving permission for your projects to be shared on social media and in round up posts on any of the cohosts sites
4 Gals, 4 Blogs & 1 Great Party! Link up once to appear on 4 Amazing Blogs!
Want to come back next week? We'll send you a reminder... just put your email in the box!
Thanks so much for Stopping by!
Like any good hosts we're sitting right by the present table waiting until our guests leave so we can go through the loot... the loot being your links! We can't wait to check out what you've left for us. Trust me there will be a lot of pinning, tweeting and facebook sharing going on in the near future... we can't wait to show off what you've left!Save
Coffee Chat + Goals
Monday, July 24, 2017
Hey Sweet Friends! Happy Monday! I know you're reading this, rolling your eyes wondering what can possibly be happy about a Monday? Mondays are a blank slate, a chance to make new goals and start fresh. I want Monday mornings to be messy buns and coffee. I want it to be coffee dates in my living room while we share what's on our hearts and our goals for the week. So get cozy with your favorite mug of coffee and blanket and let's have a coffee date. No make up or pretty outfits required.
If you and I were on a coffee date...
We would be snuggled in my new living room with blankets in our laps, coffee in our mugs, a box of Sprinkles donuts on the table and my Willow pup between us. My cat, Chance, would be walking around meowing for attention (or food) because he's bossy like that. He's the cat. He rules the house. I would be drinking a donut shop coffee with Coldstone sweet cream creamer, because that's my go to at home. I'd show you the basket of K-Cups and the selection of creamers and offer you whatever you'd like because we believe in variety in this house.
I would tell you...
that our weekend was another wonderful one. Saturday was spent bargain hunting at flea markets and local salvage stores with my parents then we had lunch at one of our favorite local burger cafes. The rest of the evening was spent playing with kittens and hanging out at my mom and dad's house. Sunday was a lazy start to the day, which are always my favorite mornings. The rest of the day was spent getting ready for the week and watching Shark Week.
that I got the Alice Through the Looking Glass eye shadow palette. I can't wait to play around with different looks with it. The colors are so bright and most of them are out of my comfort zone but I want to step out of my comfort zone more and what better way than with pretty make up that can be wiped off if I don't like it?
I'm also thinking about taking a Facebook/Blogging break for a couple weeks. I have a few blog posts to wrap up but I'd like to take some time to work on getting ahead in blogging and to focus on my personal life; working out, yoga, and getting closer to God. I want to fill my life with all the things that bring me joy, not that blogging doesn't but I need to take a break and shift my focus.
I'm so ready for fall. I love summer, don't get me wrong but fall is where my heart is. Fall is all things cozy; hoodies and apple cider, favorite blankets and the colors changing. I'm so ready for it to be cooler and actually being able to get outside and enjoy things. Summer still has a while so i'll embrace it but honestly, can fall come already, please?
What would you share with me if we were on a coffee date?
Monday Mantra
How'd I do with last week's goals?
This week's goals
+ Do yoga 4 days this week
+ Finish blog collaboration with my friend Mistle
+ Fulfill vinyl orders
+ Empty out my e-mail inbox
+ Write in inspiration/gratitude journal each day
+ Read for 15 minutes a day
What are some goals you'd like to achieve this week?
Fill in the Blank: Q&As
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Hi Loves! I've been MIA a little bit lately, during my time away i've really started to think about this space and what I can do to keep it fresh and fun. I'm an open book, if you've been around a while then you know that but I want to do more personal posts and what better way than with a fun Q&A session, fill in the blank style?
I'd love to know your answers in the comments below so I can see how alike and how different we are so feel free to play along and have some fun.
First thing I do in the morning is...
say a little prayer for God to protect my family and our loved ones, for Him to keep my husband safe on the road and have a wonderful work day. I also pray for the safety and happiness of our loved ones then I roll over and snuggle with Chance; my cat and Willow pup.
My coffee of choice is...
Donut Shop Original with Coldstone Sweet Cream creamer.
My mornings look like this...
prayers, snuggles, coffee, open the blinds, then I grab my laptop and get cozy on the couch while I read my She Reads Truth devotional, chat with my former neighbor and forever friend on Pinterest and scroll Facebook or publish and work on blog posts.
If I could do anything for a living, I would...
work with the Make A Wish foundation and have my own bakery that would also sell local, handmade products. So basically a bakery/boutique.
If I'm watching t.v. i'll be watching...
Fixer Upper, Southern Charm, or American Housewife.
Sunday nights are all about The Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead.
My guilty pleasure is...
ice cream sandwiches and Etsy.
I'm addicted to...
Instagram, small boutiques, planner supplies, discount stores, and The Lady Gang Facebook group.
I have a weird obsession with...
watching cake decorating on Instagram. Oh, and storms. You'll almost always find me outside right before it storms. I love watching the sky change and feeling the wind blow and the smell of rain. It's truly weird, I know. I told you.
The last thing I splurged on was...
two Lula Roe shirts but really my hubby bought them for me.
My last phone call was...
from my mama.
My last text was...
my sweet friend, Gabriella. We're obsessed with these travel mugs from Sweetwater Decor and have been talking about them for days.
I would describe myself as...
a bubbly introvert. I enjoy being around people but I'm also completely satisfied just to be at home.
Big crowds make me feel anxious and often times just going out alone makes me feel anxious.
#truthbomb because not many people knew that about me.
Last time I cried was...
yesterday to my husband on the phone because my Jeep wouldn't start and I had errands to run.
My exact words to him were "you bought me this Jeep so this wouldn't happen anymore."
* Side note* My hubby bought me my Jeep in January because my Solara kept breaking down.
He thought my crying over this was funny.
Last fear I conquered....
driving my husband's Jeep Wrangler yesterday. It's not that I couldn't drive it but in the 4 years he's had it, I only drove it one other time and I never went above 40mph. It used to scare me because it handled differently than my Solara and because I would have felt awful if something happened to it while I was driving it. Yesterday, I put those fears aside and drove it because I had to register our son for high school and we needed groceries. Now i'm really wanting my own Wrangler.
I really want to conquer this fear...
doing a yoga or barre class.
My favorite wine is...
Cupcake Angel Food.
My biggest dream in life is...
to have a house full of babies. Okay, maybe just one or two more.
One things I really want to do is...
inspire people and create a movement of some kind.
I spend the most money on...
food or make up. Probably food though.
My favorite Insta Girls are...
@sweetteaandhydrangeas @verbalgoldblog @kylajicha @hertastylife @keltieknight @nellemonaco
I feel most accomplished when...
I've knocked out my to do list for the day and can relax with my husband in the evenings.
My favorite time of day is...
at night when i'm snuggled in bed with my hubby, our puppy and our cat.
My favorite way to indulge and spend time doing self care is...
doing my hair and make up while listening to one of my favorite podcasts.
I do my hair and make up daily, even if I'm not planning on leaving the house because it makes me feel so much better and ready to take on the day.
Now it's your turn! Leave me a comment with your answers.
Welcome Home Wednesday Linky Party #100
Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Welcome to Welcome Home Wednesdays number 100!!! I absolutely adore looking through your projects every single week and this week is no exception! We've been hanging out with y'all and sharing and loving all the goodies shared here!! Thank you ALL for coming back week after week!! We APPRECIATE y'all!!
Let's get started! Each week our little party gets even bigger... and we're so glad you're here to party with us! So bring your friends and link up something awesome... we love to see your amazing work around here! Don't forget to leave us a comment to let us know you stopped by and we'll do the same when we visit your link! The party will start each Wednesday at 7am CST... and we'll be here bright eyed, bushy tailed and ready to party! Stop by and share your fabulous posts... we would love to read them and share them with our friends!
Meet your Fabulous Hosts!
Happily Ever After, Etc. @ Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | InstagramFive Kids, a Dog & a Blog @ Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Instagram
Suburban Simplicity @ Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Instagram
Peaches & Willow @ Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Instagram
The Spotlight! That's right... Features!
These people were extra cool last week... so we're featuring them this week! That means they get a little time in the spotlight...and a cameo on our social media accounts (if you've ever wanted to hangout on my facebook page this is your chance!) Sounds awesome huh?! For your chance to be featured make sure to follow all of your hosts on social media... and leave us a little note so we know you're following!! Just pop over and leave a comment on Facebook (or Twitter, or Instagram... whichever one is your jam!) We look at every single link so we don't miss a beat!
The Rules are there ain't no Rules!
We ain't your Mama... so we don't have a strict rules list. View this more as party etiquette!1. Be kind! Read and comment on your fellow party goers links!
2. We like to think we're super fancy... we want our guests to feel fancy too so no link-party or affiliate links please!
3. If you want to be featured please follow your hosts on social media... then link back to the party with a text link... or our fabulous button!
4. Link to a specific post... not your home page! We want to see what you've been up to this week!
5. Our mama's taught us to share... that includes the limelight! No more than 3 links per person please!
6. That's it! Have fun and link up your best stuff! We can't wait to see it!
7. Please note that by sharing at Welcome Home Wednesdays, you are giving permission for your projects to be shared on social media and in round up posts on any of the cohosts sites
4 Gals, 4 Blogs & 1 Great Party! Link up once to appear on 4 Amazing Blogs!
Want to come back next week? We'll send you a reminder... just put your email in the box!
Thanks so much for Stopping by!
Like any good hosts we're sitting right by the present table waiting until our guests leave so we can go through the loot... the loot being your links! We can't wait to check out what you've left for us. Trust me there will be a lot of pinning, tweeting and facebook sharing going on in the near future... we can't wait to show off what you've left!Save
5 Tips To Purchase A Home
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Hi Sweet Friends. I am so excited to share today's guest post by Cait from Cait's Cozy Corner. She's a fellow Southern Belle and Mom to two of the most precious little kids ever. She and I have been talking about a collaboration for a little over a month but the timing was off because my husband and I just bought a new house (I'm sure y'all knew that by now). When she presented me with this idea for a collaboration everything just fell into place. It was meant to be so she's here today to share 5 Tips To Purchase A Home.
Buying a home can be stressful, especially if you are a first time home owner. Sometimes it’s planned to save and purchase a home but other times, you are thrown into it! So what are some tips and tricks for purchasing your first home that you wouldn’t think to look for? These are some that my husband and I found out when we were going through the process that I think would be beneficial to all of you!
1. Hire A Lawyer- This necessarily isn’t something you HAVE to do nor is it required. However, in some states, like Georgia for example where I currently live, a real estate agent’s help is not legally required, although some agents can help you with the tasks that border on legal ones such as preparing a home purchase contract. For example, what if your prospective new home has an illegal in-law unit with an existing tenant whom you want to evict in order to rent the place to a friend? Only a lawyer can tell you with any certainty whether your plans are feasible. Or what if you’d like to rent the home for an extended period, such as a year, before you’re obligated to buy it? That will require drawing up an unusual lease. Or, if you're drafting any unusual language for the purchase contract, or are concerned about some language in your mortgage, you may want to have an attorney look the documents over. A lawyer in the Atlanta area is the Law Office of Glen P Burn. Although Glen is not directly a lawyer for purchasing home, he does have 15 years experience to help those out when needing help deciphering all the legal jargon that’s written in contracts. Those that may have trouble in their past such as DUIs, criminal history or drug offenses- he is the one to help and assist you in learning your rights and how you can protect yourself. Having a criminal history or drug offense could hurt some chances of purchasing a home so it’s always a good idea to go over it with someone who knows the legal system before purchasing.
2. Check For Wet Paint- This may not seem like a huge red flag to some as many home owners will refreshen a room with new paint. However, some owners will try to use the paint to cover up damage to the walls or area! These may be causes of concern down the road to keep an eye out for it!
3.Poor Neighborhood Condition- You don’t want to be the nicest house on the block. Your neighbors should also be taking care of the outside appearance of their home! Keep an eye out for houses that may be vacant or boarded up. This always can be a cause of concern that something may have happened. You don’t want to in a high ended crime area for future problems of burglary or theft! You want to feel safe and secure around your neighbors and their homes
4.Electrical Issues- Although many of us are not electricians, always walk around the home and turn the lights on and off. Check for flickering lights and look at outlets to make sure your electricity is working properly. Some of the most common inspection findings when you are walking through your home are with the electrical wire cable and improper wiring through the home. Your home inspector will go over these with you but it’s always a good idea to find them yourself as well!
5.Mold - This is not always an issue when walking through a home but if you’re looking at a house that is in foreclosure, it may not be getting the proper treatment because no one lives there on a day to day basis. When we were walking through one home, Zach noticed a board that was up against a wall. When we took it apart, we noticed mold in the bedroom as well as the attack due to not properly being sealed off. This was a huge concern as we didn’t want to deal with paying for it ( it can be pretty costly ) to have clean air.
It’s very critical whether you are a first time home owner or not to be aware of these red flags when inspecting a potential home for you or your family. These items can occur of course after you purchase the home or may have been overlooked, but if you keep these 5 items in mind while walking through, you should be ok.
Big thank you to Cait for sharing this post. Buying a home can be stressful and there's a lot to take into consideration, Cait did a wonderful job of covering these things from a potential buyer's stand point.
Be sure to stop by Cait's blog and leave her lots of love.
Buying a home can be stressful, especially if you are a first time home owner. Sometimes it’s planned to save and purchase a home but other times, you are thrown into it! So what are some tips and tricks for purchasing your first home that you wouldn’t think to look for? These are some that my husband and I found out when we were going through the process that I think would be beneficial to all of you!
1. Hire A Lawyer- This necessarily isn’t something you HAVE to do nor is it required. However, in some states, like Georgia for example where I currently live, a real estate agent’s help is not legally required, although some agents can help you with the tasks that border on legal ones such as preparing a home purchase contract. For example, what if your prospective new home has an illegal in-law unit with an existing tenant whom you want to evict in order to rent the place to a friend? Only a lawyer can tell you with any certainty whether your plans are feasible. Or what if you’d like to rent the home for an extended period, such as a year, before you’re obligated to buy it? That will require drawing up an unusual lease. Or, if you're drafting any unusual language for the purchase contract, or are concerned about some language in your mortgage, you may want to have an attorney look the documents over. A lawyer in the Atlanta area is the Law Office of Glen P Burn. Although Glen is not directly a lawyer for purchasing home, he does have 15 years experience to help those out when needing help deciphering all the legal jargon that’s written in contracts. Those that may have trouble in their past such as DUIs, criminal history or drug offenses- he is the one to help and assist you in learning your rights and how you can protect yourself. Having a criminal history or drug offense could hurt some chances of purchasing a home so it’s always a good idea to go over it with someone who knows the legal system before purchasing.
2. Check For Wet Paint- This may not seem like a huge red flag to some as many home owners will refreshen a room with new paint. However, some owners will try to use the paint to cover up damage to the walls or area! These may be causes of concern down the road to keep an eye out for it!
3.Poor Neighborhood Condition- You don’t want to be the nicest house on the block. Your neighbors should also be taking care of the outside appearance of their home! Keep an eye out for houses that may be vacant or boarded up. This always can be a cause of concern that something may have happened. You don’t want to in a high ended crime area for future problems of burglary or theft! You want to feel safe and secure around your neighbors and their homes
4.Electrical Issues- Although many of us are not electricians, always walk around the home and turn the lights on and off. Check for flickering lights and look at outlets to make sure your electricity is working properly. Some of the most common inspection findings when you are walking through your home are with the electrical wire cable and improper wiring through the home. Your home inspector will go over these with you but it’s always a good idea to find them yourself as well!
5.Mold - This is not always an issue when walking through a home but if you’re looking at a house that is in foreclosure, it may not be getting the proper treatment because no one lives there on a day to day basis. When we were walking through one home, Zach noticed a board that was up against a wall. When we took it apart, we noticed mold in the bedroom as well as the attack due to not properly being sealed off. This was a huge concern as we didn’t want to deal with paying for it ( it can be pretty costly ) to have clean air.
It’s very critical whether you are a first time home owner or not to be aware of these red flags when inspecting a potential home for you or your family. These items can occur of course after you purchase the home or may have been overlooked, but if you keep these 5 items in mind while walking through, you should be ok.
Big thank you to Cait for sharing this post. Buying a home can be stressful and there's a lot to take into consideration, Cait did a wonderful job of covering these things from a potential buyer's stand point.
Be sure to stop by Cait's blog and leave her lots of love.
Coffee Chat + Goals
Monday, July 17, 2017
Hi Loves! Happy Monday. Time for fresh starts and new goals. I'm on a mission to change Monday's reputation because there is something inspiring and refreshing about a blank slate. It's like New Years Eve, 52 times a year. I want Monday mornings to be top knots and coffee. I want it to feel like starting the day off snuggled in my living room with all of my girlfriends while we share what's on our hearts and about our goals for the week.So get cozy with your favorite mug of coffee and blanket and let's have a coffee date.
If you and I were on a coffee date...
We would be snuggled in my new living room with blankets in our laps, coffee in our mugs, a box of Sprinkles donuts on the table and my Willow pup between us. My cat, Chance, would be walking around meowing for attention (or food) because he's bossy like that. He's the cat. He rules the house. I would be drinking a donut shop coffee with Coldstone sweet cream creamer, because that's my go to at home. I'd show you the basket of K-Cups and the selection of creamers and offer you whatever you'd like because we believe in variety in this house.
I would tell you that our weekend was nearly perfect. My husband and I went to a very small craft fair at our local Tractor Supply Co. on Saturday morning because that's what small town living is all about. Impromptu craft fairs on Saturday mornings. My hubby bought me two Lula Roe shirts (my first Lula purchases) then we went to eat lunch at a local bbq house and went to our old house to pack some more stuff up. After we dropped all that at the new house my hubby took me to go buy a new desk and shelves for my blogging office/craft room. I'm in love with it.
Sunday morning I slept in then my hubby made me coffee when I got up. We enjoyed our coffee together then I got busy decorating my new office/craft room. Mid-morning we decided to make brunch together so we whipped up a sausage/egg scrambler and some tater tots. All that was missing were the mimosas. After that we got ready for the day then I got busy in my office again. I started a webinar/challenge with some sweet blogging ladies (more on that later). Mid-day we went to see my mama and play with some sweet baby kittens then we came home, cooked dinner together and I spent more time in my office; writing blog posts and decorating my planner/planning out my week. Somehow I always feel a little calmer and ready to take on the week after i've done this.
I would tell you that I'm beginning to realize my worst qualities are impatience and being so grumpy when things aren't going according to plan. I usually fall victim to this on Sundays because I'm trying too hard to plan out the week ahead of us. There is some bad to planning everything out because more times than not, things don't go accordingly then I get mad and even though I try not to take it out on those I love most (my husband) somehow I always do. He's always a champ and usually just goes with the flow. Maybe because he knows i'll break down and become a sobbing mess if he says anything to me. Ugh. Not my favorite trait about myself. Do you have any tips on how to handle this better?
I mentioned before that i'm taking a webinar/challenge with some lovely blogging ladies. I'm all about webinars and challenges that help better myself and my blog so when my friend Raewyn from Shield Sisters Initiative asked if I was interested in joining her and another friend of hers in From Distracted to Inspired & Productive Challenge I jumped on board. It started yesterday and runs for 90 days. I am already loving it and feeling like it's going to be a game changer. I'm excited to see what I learn from it and talk to y'all about it along the way.
I'm also doing two other webinars and have a few blogging collaborations and guest posts coming soon. I'm slowly growing my blog to where I want it to be and am learning it's all about quality over quantity and allowing other to do guest posts for me. I think blogging is all about community and finding your tribe. I've definitely got a few amazing ladies in my tribe but i'm working on growing it even more. I believe the more ladies I have, the more ideas we can bounce off of each other and help each other grow.
I'm also still learning to live with grace and still learning to simplify, too. I want more things that bring me happiness and joy and less "clutter". I also want to learn to still be happy when things don't work out the way I plan. After all, I'm supposed to be living my best life for God, not for myself. I'm so excited for Stephanie May Wilson's Lipstick Gospel Devotional and Prayer Journal to be delivered to me. I'm so ready to open my heart and soul completely to God and amazing times with girlfriends through out this challenge.
What would you tell me if we were on a coffee date?
Monday Mantra
How'd I do with last week's goals?
This week's goals
+ Learn to live with grace when things don't go according to MY plan
+ Do yoga 4 days this week
+ Wake up at 7 Monday-Friday
+ Block schedule. Set my phone for 20-30 per task for the day
+ Start the recipe group back up
+ Set time aside in the evenings to spend with my husband, no distractions
+ Fulfill my tee shirt and vinyl order
+ Return blog and Instagram comments by the next day
What are some goals you'd like to achieve this week?
Welcome Home Wednesday Linky Party #99
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Welcome to Welcome Home Wednesdays number 99!!! I absolutely adore looking through your projects every single week and this week is no exception! We've been hanging out with y'all and sharing and loving all the goodies shared here!! Thank you ALL for coming back week after week!! We APPRECIATE y'all!!
Let's get started! Each week our little party gets even bigger... and we're so glad you're here to party with us! So bring your friends and link up something awesome... we love to see your amazing work around here! Don't forget to leave us a comment to let us know you stopped by and we'll do the same when we visit your link! The party will start each Wednesday at 7am CST... and we'll be here bright eyed, bushy tailed and ready to party! Stop by and share your fabulous posts... we would love to read them and share them with our friends!

Meet your Fabulous Hosts!
Happily Ever After, Etc. @ Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | InstagramFive Kids, a Dog & a Blog @ Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Instagram
Suburban Simplicity @ Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Instagram
Peaches & Willow @ Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter | Instagram
The Spotlight! That's right... Features!
These people were extra cool last week... so we're featuring them this week! That means they get a little time in the spotlight...and a cameo on our social media accounts (if you've ever wanted to hangout on my facebook page this is your chance!) Sounds awesome huh?! For your chance to be featured make sure to follow all of your hosts on social media... and leave us a little note so we know you're following!! Just pop over and leave a comment on Facebook (or Twitter, or Instagram... whichever one is your jam!) We look at every single link so we don't miss a beat!

The Rules are there ain't no Rules!
We ain't your Mama... so we don't have a strict rules list. View this more as party etiquette!1. Be kind! Read and comment on your fellow party goers links!
2. We like to think we're super fancy... we want our guests to feel fancy too so no link-party or affiliate links please!
3. If you want to be featured please follow your hosts on social media... then link back to the party with a text link... or our fabulous button!
4. Link to a specific post... not your home page! We want to see what you've been up to this week!
5. Our mama's taught us to share... that includes the limelight! No more than 3 links per person please!
6. That's it! Have fun and link up your best stuff! We can't wait to see it!
7. Please note that by sharing at Welcome Home Wednesdays, you are giving permission for your projects to be shared on social media and in round up posts on any of the cohosts sites

4 Gals, 4 Blogs & 1 Great Party! Link up once to appear on 4 Amazing Blogs!
Want to come back next week? We'll send you a reminder... just put your email in the box!
Thanks so much for Stopping by!
Like any good hosts we're sitting right by the present table waiting until our guests leave so we can go through the loot... the loot being your links! We can't wait to check out what you've left for us. Trust me there will be a lot of pinning, tweeting and facebook sharing going on in the near future... we can't wait to show off what you've left!Save
July Goals
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Oh Hello, July. Where did you come from? I feel like I blinked and June was over. I'm a little sad to see it go but excited about all the opportunities that a new month brings. I just adore fresh starts. I didn't even set goals for last month but they're needed more than ever this month because i'm ready to get back on track with blogging, social media and my health. So let's talk about July's goals.
July Goals:
+ Make blogging more manageable by posting only three times a week
+ Reach 800 followers on Instagram
+ Plan content in advance
+ Engage with fellow bloggers more
+ Return comments on Instagram and the blog the next day
+ Finalize collaborations with some of my sweet blogging friends
+ Cut back on sugar
+ Start meditation and yoga
+ Set up my blogging office/craft room
+ Complete all my vinyl orders
+ Spend Sundays planning my week and prepping meals
+ Start an inspiration journal
+ Connect and engage with friends daily (introvert problems)
What are your goals for July? Tell me in the comments below.
Coffee Chat + Weekly Goals
Monday, July 10, 2017
Hi sweet friends. Happy Monday. I know it's the most dreaded day of the week but we can make them better. After all, it's a fresh start every week. I love sitting here on Monday mornings, cozy with my favorite mug of coffee, reflecting on goals and chatting with all my lovelies on Facebook. Did you know that i've started a Facebook Live Coffee Chat every Monday morning? If you're interested in joining us next week let me know, i'll add you on Facebook. For now grab a cup of coffee, get cozy and share what's on your heart.
If you and I were on a coffee date...
I would tell you that moving is hard work but it's so exciting and rewarding. I'm enjoying putting my new house together and adding all of our sweet personal touches from our wedding that I've had stored away because we didn't have the room to display them all at the old house. It feels so refreshing and comfortable to have a space that's truly ours. Our new neighbors are truly incredible, too. Our cat, Chance ran away last week and they all took the time to be on the look out for our boy. They sent well wishes and prayers and checked in everyday until he came home. It is definitely a good feeling knowing we live in a place where everyone comes together and watches out for each other.
I would also tell you that my mother in law recently made the comment to my husband that she noticed we live such happy lives and we don't fight and we have no drama in our lives. The secret to all of that is living simple, being happy with what we have and where we are in life and not inviting un-necessary problems into our lives. We also talk about everything. Are there times we have disagreements? Sure. We're like every other couple but we always talk it out. At the end of the day we're in it together. We're on the same team and I want to snuggle up next to my husband at night, knowing that we are both happy.
I'm on a mission to live a more simplified life; both mind and material things. Moving has really forced me to look at the "things" I own and question their value. Does it mean anything to me? And if so, am I proud to show it off? Would I display it in my home? When is the last time I used it? I've got quiet a big pile of things to donate sitting at the old house right now because they've served their purpose for me, now it's time to pass them on.
As far as living a more simplified life in terms of mind; it's all about organization and happiness. I'm the kind of person who makes lists like my life depends on them. To be honest, I think it does. That's why my Happy Planner has become my life. I can organize everything into the calendar and I even have add ins for daily scheduling and brain dumps. I'm obsessed with this planner, y'all.
And happiness is something we create. We can't depend on anyone to give us happiness. It has taken me years to figure this one out but now that I have, I can tell you this. If you want to be happy, BE! Change whatever it is that is dragging you down. You don't need anything that doesn't bring joy into your life. Find a hobby. I had someone say to me one time, "I'm not sure how you enjoy being a stay at home mom." True, my only child is a teenager and doesn't need me to be home as much anymore but it's still comforting knowing that I'm here anytime he needs me. He's never known life in a day care or with a babysitter because I've had the privilege of raising him and being able to be with him all the time. Aside from that, I take pride in taking care of our home. I can clean myself into a frenzy but it's because that's my job, to provide a safe, clean, happy place for my family.
I'm also a huge believer in hobbies and self care. If you don't have a hobby, my only question is, why? You can literally grab your iPhone and snap pictures of anything and have an instant hobby. I have too many hobbies to keep up with but I can promise you this, i'm never bored. Sometimes I might be lacking inspiration to do any of my hobbies but it's usually cured with a quick change of environment or a run to Target.
Self care is another huge thing for me. It's a key element to living a happy, healthy life. I hear people, mostly women, say it all the time; "I don't have time to (fill in the blank), it's usually something along the lines of paint my nails, do a facial, take a bubble bath with a candle lit and a glass of wine in hand and it takes everything within me not to roll my eyes out loud because that's a choice. Those people are choosing not to take the time to take care of themselves and eventually they'll burn out. Not saying it's going to be an epic, hit rock bottom kind of burn out but it'll be enough to stop them in their tracks. I know, i've been there and I learned that you can't be good for anyone else if you aren't good to yourself first. So this week, I challenge you to take 10 minutes everyday to do something for yourself. Turn off your phone and lock yourself away in the bathroom and paint your nails, give yourself a facial, or take a bubble bath. Bake something. Grab yourself a treat at your favorite bakery. Buy yourself some flowers. Do something that makes YOU happy then get back to taking care of everyone else.
This week I want to focus on letting things go and making room for more positive things in my life. This message has been brought up three different times in the last two weeks. I feel like God is trying to tell me something. The first time I heard it was in church two weeks ago. The message the preacher was preaching was learning to say no to things that just don't feel right so that you can make room for more positive yeses in your life. Last night one of the sweet entrepreneurs I follow, Erin, said "let things go, even if it is a bummer, and you open yourself up to a world of positive possibility." Yes, Lord, you've got my attention.
What would you tell me if we were on a coffee date?
Monday Mantra
How'd I do with my previous goals?
This week's goals
+ Wake up at 7 every morning
+ Do yoga and meditation every day
+ Work on creating a morning routine
+ Watch the replay of the Hashtag Webinar I missed last week
+ Clean up the FB groups i'm a part of
+ Work on engagement in blogging groups and returning social media and blog comments the next day
+ Cut back sugar
+ Put together my craft room/blogging office
+ Start the recipe swap group back up
What are some goals y'all would like to achieve this week?
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