So last weekend was a busy one for us. We were on the go all weekend long and truthfully, i've been catching up on rest since then. I've finally figured out I'm not 21 anymore and staying up late, drinking, and eating all. weekend. long. isn't for me anymore so I should be a blast at my own wedding in September. Thank God we're getting married at 5:30. Just kidding. I'm sure i'll be pumped that day and not even wanting to rest. Back to last weekend.
Friday night we decided to do our grocery shopping so that we wouldn't have to fight the crowds on Saturday since it was Memorial Day weekend. We went to three different grocery stores because we're awesome like that. We like to spend our Friday nights grocery store hopping instead of bar hopping :) Welcome to your 30's friends. We thought we bought all the groceries and coffee we'd need for the week so we went home and dropped it off and headed out for round two. My Fiance had his eyes on a new grill for quiet sometime and since the bottom literally fell out of ours while he was cooking steaks the night before it was finally time to replace ours so to Academy Sports we went. By this time we were exhausted and had zero interest in cooking any of the $200 in groceries we had just bought. I was craving a Sonic's Corn Dog so Sonic's it was for dinner.
After we ate we sat on the back deck and I supervised while my fiance assembled his new grill. From about 8-12 we were out there. Finally he sent me inside because I was getting tired and grouchy, which is never good for anyone. I cleaned all the clothes off our bed and went to sleep. That was the end of everything that night.
Saturdayat the last minute we decided to have a cook out on Sunday with friends and neighbors so we headed back to the grocery store for cook out items. Hamburgers, hotdogs, all the fixin's. Our family had a mission to get what we needed and leave so i'm sure we took the store by storm. After that we headed home and well, I can't even remember.
Sundaywas cook out #1 day. We woke up, enjoyed our coffee then got busy cleaning this house. It looks like a new house now. So fresh and so clean clean. We then got all of our food prepared for the cook out and invited more friends/neighbors over. This is where the start of the 4 lb weight gain comes in. Yep! My fiance and I both gained 4 lbs back over the holiday weekend. This wouldn't be a big deal if I didn't have a wedding dress to fit into in just 4 months.
Anyway, we had a wonderful time with the Laberts and the Howes. Cooking out, sitting out on the back deck, enjoying good friends, good food, and great company. We really haven't had many cookouts with friends at the house. My parents & grandma, my best friend, and the Lamberts have been over a few times but that's it so it was nice to have our first official cook out with friends.
Did I take pictures? No but it was still a ton of fun.
Monday My Mom had planned a cook out and swimming at their house for Memorial Day. There was a good turn out of family and friends there, too so you can see where the weight gain happened. When you live in the South and everyone you know is an excellent cook then you tend to gain weight, which is what happened to me in the first place. Oh the homemade BBQ, Potato Salad, Homemade Mac & Cheese, Pasta Salad, Homemade cucumber Salsa, Cheese ball, Cakes and goodies and tons more! So yummy in my tummy, not so much on my waistline. We ate, drank, and had way too much dessert. We didn't even count calories. Monday was a ton of fun and I do have a few pics.

So that was our weekend. I've got to go run now. I hope you all had a fabulous weekend, as well.