It's that time again, y'all. Time for a new year. A blank slate, a chance to start a new and i'm so ready. 2014 had its highs and lows but we survived.
January we celebrated my soon to be father in law's, my mom's and my son's birthdays.
That's a lot of celebrating precious lives that mean to much to us.
My soon to be FIL is pretty low key so we just took him a present and spent a little time with him. He was happy.
My son wanted a dance party with a DJ and the whole nine yards. Thanks to my mom and dad's help we were able to pull it together and give him the best party he's ever had.

My mom never has a party but this year my Dad surprised her by throwing her a surprise party at her Uncle's house. It was a small party with the closest family but it was wonderful. Absolutely perfect. Oh and major kudos to my Dad for throwing it together on the same night as my son's.

On January 28 (my son's birthday)-my fiance got stuck on I-285 for 21 hours in SnowJam2014. Luckily Dylan and I were at my parent's house with them and my Grandma because I would have been even more of a nervous wreck than I was. I slept only a few hours that night, off and on, worrying sick about him. Of course he was fine. When he finally made it to my parent's house he showered, ate a chicken salad sandwich then fell asleep for a few hours. It was one of the least fun nights of our lives. The next day we were able to enjoy the snow.

January 29, 2014
Praise The Lord! Alex is almost at Chapel Hill Rd. I'm going to make that love of mine some chicken salad and wait for him to get here!
My Favorite Facebook post from January
january 8
I don't know how but we made it to school on time this morning. I knew Dylan wasn't going to be easy to get up this morning but his reason why was quiet hilarious. He said to me, " mom, I couldn't sleep last night because the cat was purring in his sleep all night and Duke was farting and snoring and at 3 this morning the cat was head butting me."
February we celebrated mine, my soon to be mother in law's, my grandma's and my fiance's birthdays and Valentine's Day.
For my soon to be MIL's birthday we visited her and took her a present.
february 1
Let the February celebrations begin! Happy birthday to a wonderful lady today! The lady who brought the love of my life into this world. Happy Birthday to my future Mother in Law!
For my birthday we were iced in again at my parent's house so my mom cooked me a delicious meal and we celebrated low key. The best part of the day were the voice mails I got from my brother & sister in law, uncle and soon to be in laws all singing various tunes of Happy Birthday. That made my day so much that I saved those messages and when I needed a laugh i'd listen to them again. Sadly I lost them when I up-graded my iPhone.
Since my birthday is two days before Valentine's Day and I care nothing about being out in the crowds on Valentine's Day, waiting hours on a table and paying double for food we celebrate those things together.
I did get this beautiful ring for Valentine's Day.

My honey's birthday is February 24th. This year he took the day off work and we went to lunch together. Not only that, we went to our first movie together. 13 years of being friends and a year of dating is all it took.
february 24
Happy Birthday to my best friend, my fiancé and the best dad any kid could ask for. We love you Alex.
My favorite Facebook post of February
February 11
Watching survivor Man with Alex when he says to me "your idea of roughing it is dirty sheets." Yeah, pretty much.
March was pretty un-eventful. We get a break from birthdays. The weather got nice enough to take the top off the car and cruise around and it was nice enough to lay in the hammock and read. I started finding 4-leaf clovers like crazy. About 30 by the time it was a ll said and done.

We had fun , random times at my mom and dad's because family dinners are never dull.
April we re-painted our living room and I am still in love with it 8 months later.

We also went to opening day of the Georgia Renaissance Festival. Every year we go on opening day and again several times while it's here.

Flowers in my yard were in full bloom and spring time was in the air. This always makes me happy.

We celebrated Easter.

And I leave you with my favorite Facebook post from April
April 30
Playing heads up with the family. The subject was animals specifically llama. As a hint I told Alex "is your mama a ---." His response "a hoe." Then dylan's subject was animal, specifically human. Someone said "we are..." Dylan said "south Douglas"
As my Dad points out in the comments Not just a hoe but a "spitting" hoe!!!
That's the first part of 2014. more to come!!